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from myst_nb import glue

import mmf_setup

import logging

%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import manim.utils.ipython_magic
!manim --version

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  • Re-execute this cell.
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Manim Community v0.18.0

Manim Community v0.18.0

Jacobi Elliptic Functions#

The exact solution to several classic problems can be expressed in terms of the Jacobi elliptic functions. We present some of the key properties here and demonstrate these solutions.

Definition and Properties#

The Jacobi elliptic functions are generalizations of \(\sin \phi\) and \(\cos \phi\) obtained by replacing the angle \(\phi\) with the parameter \(u\) which is the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind:

\[\begin{gather*} u = F(\phi, k) = \int_0^{\phi}\frac{\d\theta}{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\theta}},\\ \begin{aligned} \cn u \equiv \cn(u, k) &= \cos\phi, \\ \sn u \equiv \sn(u, k) &= \sin\phi, \qquad (\text{hence } \cn^2 u + \sn^2 u = 1)\\ \dn u \equiv \dn(u, k) &= \sqrt{1 - \smash{k^2\sin^2 \phi}} = \sqrt{1 - \smash{k^2\sn^2 u}},\\ \phi(u, k) &= \sin^{-1}(\sn u)\\ %\dn^2 u &= 1 - k^2\sn^2 u = (1 - k^2) + k^2\cn^2 u,\\ %\tan\phi & =\frac{\sn u}{\cn u},\\ \end{aligned} \end{gather*}\]

If \(k=0\), then \(u = \phi\), and these reduce to the standard trigonometric functions \(\cn(u,0) = \cos(u)\), \(\sn(u,0) = \sin(u)\), and \(\dn(u,0) = 1\). Note that \(\sn\), \(\cn\), and \(\dn\) are periodic, but that the period is in general not \(2\pi\), but instead given by the complete elliptic integral of the first kind \(K(u) = F(\tfrac{\pi}{2}, k)\), which is a quarter period:


Fig. 5 Period of the Jacobi elliptic functions in units of \(2\pi\). Note that for small \(k\) the familiar \(2\pi\) periodicity is restored, but that the period diverges as the eccentricity \(k \rightarrow 1\).#

\[\begin{gather*} u \equiv u + F(2\pi, k) = u + 4K(k). \end{gather*}\]

If you ever need to compute the inverse \(K^{-1}\), see [Boyd, 2015] which includes a never-failing Newton’s method.

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from scipy.special import ellipj, ellipk

sn = lambda u, k: ellipj(u, k**2)[0]
cn = lambda u, k: ellipj(u, k**2)[1]
dn = lambda u, k: ellipj(u, k**2)[2]
varphi = lambda u, k: ellipj(u, k**2)[3]
K = lambda k: ellipk(k**2)

# Fudge here to get more points near k=1
k = 1-np.linspace(0, 1)**4

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(2, 1.5))
ax.plot(k, 4*K(k)/2/np.pi)
ax.axvline([1], c='y', ls=':')
ax.set(xlabel="$k$", ylabel="$4K(k)/2\pi$", 
       ylim=(0, 3), yticks=[0, 1, 2, 3])
glue("period_fig", fig, display=False)
<>:15: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\p'
<>:15: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\p'
/tmp/ipykernel_5344/1205398285.py:15: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\p'
  ax.set(xlabel="$k$", ylabel="$4K(k)/2\pi$",

\(k\) Inversion Formulae#

In this formulation, \(k^2 \in [0, 1]\), but one can consider \(k^2 > 1\) as long as \(\abs{\phi} < \sin^{-1}(k^{-1})\). To evaluate these for \(k > 1\), we can use the following inversion relationships which

\[\begin{align*} \sn(u, k) &= k^{-1}\sn(ku, k^{-1}), \\ \cn(u, k) &= \dn(ku, k^{-1}), \\ \dn(u, k) &= \cn(ku, k^{-1}), \\ \phi(u, k) &= \sin^{-1}\bigl(k^{-1}\sin\phi(ku, k^{-1})\bigr),\\ F(\phi, k) &= kF\bigl(\sin^{-1}(k\sin\phi), k^{-1}\bigr). \end{align*}\]


The derivatives satisfy the following:

\[\begin{gather*} \diff{\phi}{u} = \dn u, \\ \begin{aligned} \sn' u &= \cn u\dn u, \\ \cn' u &= -\sn u\dn u, \\ \dn' u &= -k^2\sn u\cn u,\\ (\sn u\dn u)' &= \cn u (\dn^2 u - k^2\sn^2 u)\\ &= \cn u (1 - 2k^2\sn^2 u)\\ &= (1-2k^2)\cn u + 2k^2\cn^3 u. \end{aligned} \end{gather*}\]

Unit Ellipse#

The Jacobi elliptic functions are related to a unit ellipse in the same way that the trigonometric functions are related to the unit circle, with \(k\) being the eccentricity of the ellipse:

\[\begin{gather*} x^2 + (1-k^2)y^2 = 1, \qquad (x, y) = (r\cos\phi, r\sin\phi). \end{gather*}\]

Unlike with a circle, the radius cannot have a constant magnitude:

\[\begin{gather*} x^2+(1-k^2)y^2 = r^2\overbrace{(1-k^2\sin^2\phi)}^{\dn^2(u,k)} = 1, \\ r(\phi) = \frac{1}{1-k^2\sin^2\phi} = \frac{1}{\dn(u,k)},\\ x = \frac{\cn(u, k)}{\dn(u, k)} = \frac{\cos\phi}{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\phi}},\\ y = \frac{\sn(u, k)}{\dn(u, k)} = \frac{\sin\phi}{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\phi}}. \end{gather*}\]

Thus, we have the familiar relationship:

\[\begin{gather*} \cn(u, k) = \frac{x}{r}, \qquad \sn(u, k) = \frac{y}{r}, \qquad \dn(u, k) = \frac{1}{r}, \\ r = \frac{1}{\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\phi}}. \end{gather*}\]

The arc-length of the ellipse is

\[\begin{gather*} \d{x} = \\ \d{y} = \\ \d c/d = s/d(k^2 c^2/d^2 - 1) \d{\phi} \d s/d = c/d(k^2 s^2/d^2 - 1) \end{gather*}\]
\[\begin{gather*} \int \sqrt{\d{x}^2 + \d{y}^2} = \int_0^{\phi} \sqrt{\d{x}^2 + \d{y}^2}\d\phi = \end{gather*}\]
from scipy.special import ellipj, ellipkinc

def get_scd(phi, k):
    m = k**2
    u = ellipkinc(phi, m)
    s, c, d, phi_ = ellipj(u, m)
    return s, c, d

phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi)
k = 0.8
s, c, d = get_scd(phi, k)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,3))
ax = axs[1]
ax.plot(phi, s, phi, c, phi, d)

ax = fig.add_subplot(axs[0].get_subplotspec(), projection="polar")
ax.plot(phi, 1/d)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f58cd765fa0>]
Hide code cell source
%%manim -v WARNING --progress_bar None -qm JacobiEllipse
from scipy.special import ellipj, ellipkinc
from manim import *

config.media_width = "100%"
config.media_embed = True

my_tex_template = TexTemplate()
with open("../_static/math_defs.tex") as f:

def get_scd(phi, k):
    m = k**2
    u = ellipkinc(phi, m)
    s, c, d, phi_ = ellipj(u, m)
    return s, c, d

def get_xyr(phi, k):
    s, c, d = get_scd(phi, k)
    r = 1/d
    x, y = r*c, r*s
    return x, y, r

class JacobiEllipse(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        config["tex_template"] = my_tex_template
        config["media_width"] = "100%"
        class colors:
            ellipse = YELLOW
            x = BLUE
            y = GREEN
            r = RED
        phi = ValueTracker(0.01)
        k = 0.8
        axes = Axes(x_range=[0, 2*np.pi, 1], 
                    y_range=[-2, 2, 1],
        plane = PolarPlane(radius_max=2).add_coordinates()

        x = lambda phi: get_xyr(phi, k)[0]
        y = lambda phi: get_xyr(phi, k)[1]
        r = lambda phi: get_xyr(phi, k)[2]
        g_ellipse = plane.plot_polar_graph(r, [0, 2*np.pi], color=colors.ellipse)
        points_colors = [(x, colors.x), (y, colors.y), (r, colors.r)]
        x_graph, y_graph, r_graph = [axes.plot(_x, color=_c) for _x, _c in points_colors]
        graphs = VGroup(x_graph, y_graph, r_graph)
        dot = always_redraw(lambda:
            Dot(plane.polar_to_point(r(phi.get_value()), phi.get_value()), 

        def lines():
            c2p = plane.coords_to_point
            phi_ = phi.get_value()
            x_, y_ = x(phi_), y(phi_)
            return VGroup(
                Line(c2p(0, 0), c2p(x_, 0), color=colors.x),
                Line(c2p(0, y_), c2p(x_, y_), color=colors.x),
                Line(c2p(0, 0), c2p(0, y_), color=colors.y),
                Line(c2p(x_, 0), c2p(x_, y_), color=colors.y),
                Line(axes.c2p(phi_, y_), c2p(x_, y_), color=colors.y),
                Line(c2p(0, 0), c2p(x_, y_), color=colors.r),

        dots = always_redraw(lambda:
            VGroup(*(Dot(axes.c2p(phi.get_value(), _x(phi.get_value())), fill_color=_c, fill_opacity=1)
                     for _x, _c in points_colors)))

        a_group = VGroup(axes, dots, graphs)
        p_group = VGroup(plane, g_ellipse, dot, lines)
        labels = VGroup(
                x_graph, label=r"x=\cn(u, k)", color=colors.x,
                x_val=2.5, direction=DOWN).shift(0.2*LEFT),
                y_graph, label=r"y=\sn(u, k)", color=colors.y,
                x_val=4.5, direction=DR),
                r_graph, label=r"r=1/\dn(u, k)", color=colors.r,
                x_val=2, direction=UR),
        #labels.next_to(a_group, RIGHT)
        self.add(p_group, a_group, labels)
        self.play(phi.animate.set_value(2*np.pi), run_time=5, rate_func=linear)
[12/08/23 06:22:05] ERROR    LaTeX compilation error: Illegal parameter number in           tex_file_writing.py:312
                             definition of \si.                                                                    
[E 06:22:05 manim] LaTeX compilation error: Illegal parameter number in definition of \si.

                    ERROR    Context of error:                                              tex_file_writing.py:346
                             % These replace SIunitx.  They should not be defined in LaTeX.                        
                             -> \newcommand{\SI}[2]{#1\;\mathrm{#2}}                                               
[E 06:22:05 manim] Context of error: 
% These replace SIunitx.  They should not be defined in LaTeX.
-> \newcommand{\SI}[2]{#1\;\mathrm{#2}}

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 1
----> 1 get_ipython().run_cell_magic('manim', '-v WARNING --progress_bar None -qm JacobiEllipse', 'from scipy.special import ellipj, ellipkinc\nfrom manim import *\n\nconfig.media_width = "100%"\nconfig.media_embed = True\n\nmy_tex_template = TexTemplate()\nwith open("../_static/math_defs.tex") as f:\n    my_tex_template.add_to_preamble(f.read())\n\ndef get_scd(phi, k):\n    m = k**2\n    u = ellipkinc(phi, m)\n    s, c, d, phi_ = ellipj(u, m)\n    return s, c, d\n\ndef get_xyr(phi, k):\n    s, c, d = get_scd(phi, k)\n    r = 1/d\n    x, y = r*c, r*s\n    return x, y, r\n\nclass JacobiEllipse(Scene):\n    def construct(self):\n        config["tex_template"] = my_tex_template\n        config["media_width"] = "100%"\n        class colors:\n            ellipse = YELLOW\n            x = BLUE\n            y = GREEN\n            r = RED\n            \n        phi = ValueTracker(0.01)\n        k = 0.8\n        axes = Axes(x_range=[0, 2*np.pi, 1], \n                    y_range=[-2, 2, 1],\n                    x_length=6, \n                    y_length=4,\n                    axis_config=dict(include_tip=False),\n                    x_axis_config=dict(numbers_to_exclude=[0]),\n                   ).add_coordinates()\n        \n        \n        plane = PolarPlane(radius_max=2).add_coordinates()\n\n        x = lambda phi: get_xyr(phi, k)[0]\n        y = lambda phi: get_xyr(phi, k)[1]\n        r = lambda phi: get_xyr(phi, k)[2]\n        \n        g_ellipse = plane.plot_polar_graph(r, [0, 2*np.pi], color=colors.ellipse)\n        \n        points_colors = [(x, colors.x), (y, colors.y), (r, colors.r)]\n        x_graph, y_graph, r_graph = [axes.plot(_x, color=_c) for _x, _c in points_colors]\n        graphs = VGroup(x_graph, y_graph, r_graph)\n        \n        dot = always_redraw(lambda:\n            Dot(plane.polar_to_point(r(phi.get_value()), phi.get_value()), \n                fill_color=colors.ellipse, \n                fill_opacity=0.8))\n\n        @always_redraw\n        def lines():\n            c2p = plane.coords_to_point\n            phi_ = phi.get_value()\n            x_, y_ = x(phi_), y(phi_)\n            return VGroup(\n                Line(c2p(0, 0), c2p(x_, 0), color=colors.x),\n                Line(c2p(0, y_), c2p(x_, y_), color=colors.x),\n                Line(c2p(0, 0), c2p(0, y_), color=colors.y),\n                Line(c2p(x_, 0), c2p(x_, y_), color=colors.y),\n                Line(axes.c2p(phi_, y_), c2p(x_, y_), color=colors.y),\n                Line(c2p(0, 0), c2p(x_, y_), color=colors.r),\n            ).set_opacity(0.8)\n\n        dots = always_redraw(lambda:\n            VGroup(*(Dot(axes.c2p(phi.get_value(), _x(phi.get_value())), fill_color=_c, fill_opacity=1)\n                     for _x, _c in points_colors)))\n\n        a_group = VGroup(axes, dots, graphs)\n        p_group = VGroup(plane, g_ellipse, dot, lines)\n        a_group.shift(RIGHT*2)\n        p_group.shift(LEFT*4)\n    \n        labels = VGroup(\n            axes.get_graph_label(\n                x_graph, label=r"x=\\cn(u, k)", color=colors.x,\n                x_val=2.5, direction=DOWN).shift(0.2*LEFT),\n            axes.get_graph_label(\n                y_graph, label=r"y=\\sn(u, k)", color=colors.y,\n                x_val=4.5, direction=DR),\n            axes.get_graph_label(\n                r_graph, label=r"r=1/\\dn(u, k)", color=colors.r,\n                x_val=2, direction=UR),\n        )\n        #labels.next_to(a_group, RIGHT)\n        self.add(p_group, a_group, labels)\n        self.play(phi.animate.set_value(2*np.pi), run_time=5, rate_func=linear)\n')

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:2493, in InteractiveShell.run_cell_magic(self, magic_name, line, cell)
   2491 with self.builtin_trap:
   2492     args = (magic_arg_s, cell)
-> 2493     result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
   2495 # The code below prevents the output from being displayed
   2496 # when using magics with decorator @output_can_be_silenced
   2497 # when the last Python token in the expression is a ';'.
   2498 if getattr(fn, magic.MAGIC_OUTPUT_CAN_BE_SILENCED, False):

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/utils/ipython_magic.py:141, in ManimMagic.manim(self, line, cell, local_ns)
    139     SceneClass = local_ns[config["scene_names"][0]]
    140     scene = SceneClass(renderer=renderer)
--> 141     scene.render()
    142 finally:
    143     # Shader cache becomes invalid as the context is destroyed
    144     shader_program_cache.clear()

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/scene/scene.py:223, in Scene.render(self, preview)
    221 self.setup()
    222 try:
--> 223     self.construct()
    224 except EndSceneEarlyException:
    225     pass

File <string>:41, in construct(self)

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/mobject/graphing/coordinate_systems.py:429, in CoordinateSystem.add_coordinates(self, *axes_numbers, **kwargs)
    427     labels = axis.labels
    428 else:
--> 429     axis.add_numbers(values, **kwargs)
    430     labels = axis.numbers
    431 self.coordinate_labels.add(labels)

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/mobject/graphing/number_line.py:533, in NumberLine.add_numbers(self, x_values, excluding, font_size, label_constructor, **kwargs)
    530     if x in excluding:
    531         continue
    532     numbers.add(
--> 533         self.get_number_mobject(
    534             x,
    535             font_size=font_size,
    536             label_constructor=label_constructor,
    537             **kwargs,
    538         )
    539     )
    540 self.add(numbers)
    541 self.numbers = numbers

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/mobject/graphing/number_line.py:471, in NumberLine.get_number_mobject(self, x, direction, buff, font_size, label_constructor, **number_config)
    468 if label_constructor is None:
    469     label_constructor = self.label_constructor
--> 471 num_mob = DecimalNumber(
    472     x, font_size=font_size, mob_class=label_constructor, **number_config
    473 )
    475 num_mob.next_to(self.number_to_point(x), direction=direction, buff=buff)
    476 if x < 0 and self.label_direction[0] == 0:
    477     # Align without the minus sign

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/mobject/text/numbers.py:133, in DecimalNumber.__init__(self, number, num_decimal_places, mob_class, include_sign, group_with_commas, digit_buff_per_font_unit, show_ellipsis, unit, unit_buff_per_font_unit, include_background_rectangle, edge_to_fix, font_size, stroke_width, fill_opacity, **kwargs)
    115 self.initial_config = kwargs.copy()
    116 self.initial_config.update(
    117     {
    118         "num_decimal_places": num_decimal_places,
    130     },
    131 )
--> 133 self._set_submobjects_from_number(number)
    134 self.init_colors()

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/mobject/text/numbers.py:158, in DecimalNumber._set_submobjects_from_number(self, number)
    155 self.submobjects = []
    157 num_string = self._get_num_string(number)
--> 158 self.add(*(map(self._string_to_mob, num_string)))
    160 # Add non-numerical bits
    161 if self.show_ellipsis:

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/mobject/text/numbers.py:223, in DecimalNumber._string_to_mob(self, string, mob_class, **kwargs)
    220     mob_class = self.mob_class
    222 if string not in string_to_mob_map:
--> 223     string_to_mob_map[string] = mob_class(string, **kwargs)
    224 mob = string_to_mob_map[string].copy()
    225 mob.font_size = self._font_size

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/mobject/text/tex_mobject.py:293, in MathTex.__init__(self, arg_separator, substrings_to_isolate, tex_to_color_map, tex_environment, *tex_strings, **kwargs)
    280     if self.brace_notation_split_occurred:
    281         logger.error(
    282             dedent(
    283                 """\
    291             ),
    292         )
--> 293     raise compilation_error
    294 self.set_color_by_tex_to_color_map(self.tex_to_color_map)
    296 if self.organize_left_to_right:

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/mobject/text/tex_mobject.py:272, in MathTex.__init__(self, arg_separator, substrings_to_isolate, tex_to_color_map, tex_environment, *tex_strings, **kwargs)
    270 self.tex_strings = self._break_up_tex_strings(tex_strings)
    271 try:
--> 272     super().__init__(
    273         self.arg_separator.join(self.tex_strings),
    274         tex_environment=self.tex_environment,
    275         tex_template=self.tex_template,
    276         **kwargs,
    277     )
    278     self._break_up_by_substrings()
    279 except ValueError as compilation_error:

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/mobject/text/tex_mobject.py:81, in SingleStringMathTex.__init__(self, tex_string, stroke_width, should_center, height, organize_left_to_right, tex_environment, tex_template, font_size, **kwargs)
     79 assert isinstance(tex_string, str)
     80 self.tex_string = tex_string
---> 81 file_name = tex_to_svg_file(
     82     self._get_modified_expression(tex_string),
     83     environment=self.tex_environment,
     84     tex_template=self.tex_template,
     85 )
     86 super().__init__(
     87     file_name=file_name,
     88     should_center=should_center,
     95     **kwargs,
     96 )
     97 self.init_colors()

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/utils/tex_file_writing.py:61, in tex_to_svg_file(expression, environment, tex_template)
     58 if svg_file.exists():
     59     return svg_file
---> 61 dvi_file = compile_tex(
     62     tex_file,
     63     tex_template.tex_compiler,
     64     tex_template.output_format,
     65 )
     66 svg_file = convert_to_svg(dvi_file, tex_template.output_format)
     67 if not config["no_latex_cleanup"]:

File ~/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/conda/latest/lib/python3.12/site-packages/manim/utils/tex_file_writing.py:211, in compile_tex(tex_file, tex_compiler, output_format)
    209         log_file = tex_file.with_suffix(".log")
    210         print_all_tex_errors(log_file, tex_compiler, tex_file)
--> 211         raise ValueError(
    212             f"{tex_compiler} error converting to"
    213             f" {output_format[1:]}. See log output above or"
    214             f" the log file: {log_file}",
    215         )
    216 return result

ValueError: latex error converting to dvi. See log output above or the log file: media/Tex/70984480141d91fe.log

Anharmonic Oscillator#

Consider the anharmonic oscillator

\[\begin{align*} V(q) &= \frac{m\omega^2}{2}q^2 + \frac{m\lambda}{4}q^4,\\ \ddot{q} &= -\omega^2 q - \lambda q^3. \end{align*}\]

The general solution is:

\[\begin{align*} q(t) &= q_0\cn\bigl(\Omega (t - t_0), k\bigr),\\ \Omega^2 &= \omega^2 + \lambda q_0^2, \\ k^2 &= \frac{\lambda}{2}\left(\frac{q_0}{\Omega}\right)^2 = \frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{1 + \omega^2/(\lambda q_0^2)}. \end{align*}\]

Some Interesting Properties (Incomplete)#

In [Cartier and DeWitt-Morette, 2006], the discuss the WKB solution to the anharmonic oscillator for \(\lambda > 0\). To formulate the WKB evolution of a wavefunction \(\psi(x, t_0)\) to \(\psi(x, t)\), one needs the classical action \(S(x, x_0)\) for particles moving from \(x=x_0\) at time \(t=t_0\) to position \(x\) at time \(t\). The WKB propagator is then (up to a phase) (see Eq. (4.45) of [Cartier and DeWitt-Morette, 2006], the so-called position-to-position transition)

\[\begin{gather*} U_{WKB}(x,t;x_0,t_0) = \sqrt{\frac{1}{\hbar} \frac{\partial^2 S(x, x_0)} {\partial x \partial x_0}} e^{\frac{\I}{\hbar}S(x,x_0)}. \end{gather*}\]

For many problems, there is a unique trajectory from \(x_0(t_0)\) to \(x(t)\), but the anharmonic oscillator admits a countably infinite number which must be summed over. Consider, for example, a return \(x(t) = x_0(t_0)\) where the particle starts at \(x_0\) and returns at time \(T = t-t_0\) later. Convince yourself that, for a Harmonic oscillator, assuming \(omega T \neq n\pi\), there are only a finite number of solutions.

With the anharmonic oscillator, however, increasing the velocity, can decrease the return time.

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from functools import partial

from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
m = w = 1
lam = 1
T = 2*np.pi / w   # Upper bound on period

def compute_dy_dt(t, y):
    q, dq = y
    ddq = -q*(w**2 + lam*q**2)
    return (dq, ddq)

def return_event(t, y, q0):
    """Event signaling the return of the particle to q0 from the right."""
    q, dq = y
    return q - q0

def solve(v0, q0=1):
    y0 = (q0, v0)
    event = partial(return_event, q0=q0)
    event.direction = -1
    event.terminal = True
    res = solve_ivp(
        t_span=(0, T),
    return res

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
v0s = np.linspace(1, 10.0, 20)
for v0 in v0s:
    q0 = 1.0
    res = solve(v0=v0, q0=q0)
    ts = res.t
    ys = qs, dqs = res.y
    ax.plot(ts, qs)
ax.set(xlabel="t", ylabel="q");

Here we start with the particle at \(q_0=1\) and throw it to the right with increasing initial velocities. We see that, at first, as we increase the velocity, the return time increases, but once the initial velocity is high enough, the particle starts to see the steeper \(q^4\) potential, and returns more quickly. Given an integer \(n\), one can find a large-enough initial velocity that the particle will oscillate \(n\) times in any given period \(T\), resulting in countably infinitely many solutions to the boundary value problem.

Pendulum (Incomplete)#

Let the coordinate \(q\) be the angle from vertical so that \(q = 0\) is the ground state:

\[\begin{gather*} V(q) = mgl(1 - \cos q) = ml^2\omega^2(1 - \cos q),\\ \ddot{q} = - \omega^2 \sin q, \\ \omega^2 = \sqrt{\frac{g}{l}}. \end{gather*}\]

Conservation of energy \(E\) gives immediately

\[\begin{gather*} \frac{E}{ml^2} = \frac{\dot{q}^2}{2} + \omega^2(1-\cos q), \qquad \dot{q} = \sqrt{\frac{2E}{ml^2} - 2\omega^2(1-\cos q)},\\ t-t_0 = \int_{q_0}^{q} \frac{\d q}{\sqrt{\frac{2E}{ml^2} - 2\omega^2(1-\cos q)}}. \end{gather*}\]

With the exception of the stationary solution \(q = \pi\), all solutions will pass through \(q=0\), so we can choose our time \(t_0\) to be the time when \(q_0 = q(t_0) = 0\). Now it remains to change variables so that the integral has the form in the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind. This can be done with the half-angle identity \(1-\cos q = 2\sin^2 \tfrac{q}{2}\):

\[\begin{gather*} t-t_0 = \int_{0}^{q/2} \frac{2\d \tfrac{q}{2}} {\sqrt{\frac{2E}{ml^2} - 4\omega^2\sin^2\tfrac{q}{2}}} = \underbrace{\sqrt{\frac{2ml^2}{E}}}_{\tau} \int_{0}^{q/2} \frac{\d\tfrac{q}{2}} {\vphantom{\underbrace{\frac{2ml^2\omega^2}{E}}_{k^2}} \sqrt{1 - \smash{\underbrace{\frac{2ml^2\omega^2}{E}}_{k^2=\tau^2\omega^2}} \sin^2\tfrac{q}{2}}},\\ t - t_0 = \tau F(\tfrac{q}{2}, k), \qquad \tau = \sqrt{\frac{2ml^2}{E}}, \qquad k = \tau\omega = \sqrt{\frac{2mgl}{E}} \end{gather*}\]

Hence, we have \(\phi = q/2\) and \(u = (t-t_0)/\tau\), so the solution can be expressed as \(\cn u = \cos \phi\) or \(\sn u = \sin \phi\):

\[\begin{gather*} q(t) = 2 \cos^{-1}\left(\cn\Bigl(\frac{t - t_0}{\tau}, k=\tau\omega \Bigr)\right) = 2 \sin^{-1}\left(\sn\Bigl(\frac{t - t_0}{\tau}, k=\tau\omega \Bigr)\right). \end{gather*}\]

Note that with the standard implementation, \(k\in [0, 1)\) means that \(E > 2mgl\), corresponding to rotations. For librations, \(E \in [0, 2mgl)\) corresponding to \(k > 1\), meaning that there is a finite range \(\abs{q} \leq \cos^{-1}(1 - E/mgl)\). To compute these, we use the \(k^{-1}\) relationships above to obtain:

\[\begin{gather*} q(t) = 2 \cos^{-1}\left( \dn\Bigl(\omega(t - t_0), \frac{1}{\tau\omega}\Bigr) \right) = 2 \sin^{-1}\left( \frac{1}{\tau\omega}\sn\Bigl(\omega(t - t_0), \frac{1}{\tau\omega}\Bigr) \right). \end{gather*}\]
#:tags: [hide-cell]

from scipy.special import ellipj, ellipk

def sn(u, k):
    return np.where(
        k < 1, 
        ellipj(u, k**2)[0],
        ellipj(k*u, 1/k**2)[0]/k)

def cn(u, k):
    return np.where(
        k < 1, 
        ellipj(u, k**2)[1],
        ellipj(k*u, 1/k**2)[2])

def dn(u, k):
    return np.where(
        k < 1, 
        ellipj(u, k**2)[2],
        ellipj(k*u, 1/k**2)[1])

ks = np.linspace(0.8, 1.2, 5)
tau = 1.0
t0 = 0

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ts = tau * np.linspace(-3*np.pi, 3*np.pi, 500)

for k in ks:
    w = k/tau
    u = (ts-t0)/tau
    qs = 2*np.arctan2(sn(u, k=k), cn(u, k=k))
    ax.plot(ts * w / 2 / np.pi, qs, label=f"$k={k:.2f}$")
    ax.set(xlabel=r"$t\omega/2\pi$", ylabel="$q$", 
       #ylim=(0, 3), yticks=[0, 1, 2, 3]
#glue("period_fig", fig, display=False)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f58d5ad4650>
