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Falling Atom Laser#

Here we consider the quantum mechanics of a particle falling in a gravitational field:

\[\begin{gather*} \op{H} = \frac{\op{p}^2}{2m} + mg\op{z}. \end{gather*}\]


\[\begin{gather*} [\hbar] = \frac{MD^2}{T}, \qquad [m] = M, \qquad [g] = \frac{D}{T^2}, \end{gather*}\]

so we can choose units \(\hbar = 2m = g/2 = 1\) so that

\[\begin{gather*} 1 = \underbrace{2m}_{\text{mass}} = \overbrace{\underbrace{\left(\frac{\hbar^2}{2m^2g}\right)^{1/3}}_{\text{length}}}^{\xi} = \underbrace{\left(\frac{2\hbar}{mg^2}\right)^{1/3}}_{\text{time}} = \underbrace{\left(\frac{\hbar^2 mg^2}{2}\right)^{1/3}}_{\text{energy}} = \underbrace{\left(\hbar 2m^2g\right)^{1/3}}_{\text{momentum}}. \end{gather*}\]

In these units, the time-independent Schrödinger equation has the form:

\[\begin{gather*} \DeclareMathOperator{\Ai}{Ai} \DeclareMathOperator{\Bi}{Bi} -\psi''(z) + (z-E)\psi(z) = 0, \qquad \psi(z) = a\Ai(z-E) + b\Bi(z-E), \end{gather*}\]

where the solution is expressed in terms of the Airy functions \(y=\Ai(x)\) and \(y=\Bi(x)\), which satisfy:

\[\begin{gather*} y'' = xy. \end{gather*}\]

We can also find the Green function [Vallée and Soares, 2010]:

\[\begin{gather*} G(z,z') = -\pi \begin{cases} \Ai(z')\bigl(\Bi(z) + \I\Ai(z)\bigr) & z \leq z',\\ \Ai(z)\bigl(\Bi(z') + \I\Ai(z')\bigr) & z \geq z' \end{cases}, \\ \left(\pdiff[2]{}{z} - z\right)G(z, z') = \delta(z-z') \end{gather*}\]

This gives, for example, the steady state solution \(G(z,0)\) for a continuous atom laser with particles continually being injected at \(z'=0\).

For \(z<0\), the qualitative form can be deduced from the WKB approximation:

\[\begin{gather*} \psi_{\mathrm{WKB}}(z) \propto \frac{1}{\sqrt{p(z)}}e^{S(z)/\I\hbar}, \\ z(t) = - \frac{gt^2}{2}, \qquad p(z) = -mgt = -m\sqrt{-2gz}\\ S(z) = \int_0^{t}\left(\frac{p^2}{2m} - mgz(t)\right)\d{t} = \frac{-mg^2t^3}{3} = -\hbar \frac{2}{3}\sqrt{\frac{-z^3}{\xi^3}},\\ \psi_{\mathrm{WKB}}(z) \propto \frac{1}{\abs{z}^{1/4}} \exp\left(\frac{2\I}{3}\sqrt{\frac{-z^3}{\xi^3}}\right) \end{gather*}\]
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from scipy.special import airy

z = np.linspace(-10, 4, 500)

Ai0, dAi0, Bi0, dBi0 = airy(0)
Aiz, dAiz, Biz, dBiz = airy(z)

def G(x, y=0):
    Aix, dAix, Bix, dBix = airy(x)
    Aiy, dAiy, Biy, dBiy = airy(y)
    return (
        - np.pi * np.where(x < y, Aiy * (Bix + 1j * Aix), Aix * (Biy + 1j * Aiy))

Gz = G(z)
Gz_WKB = np.where(z<0, np.exp(2j/3*abs(z)**(3/2)), np.nan) / abs(z)**(1/4)
Gz_WKB *= Gz[0]/Gz_WKB[0]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(z, abs(Gz), '-C0', label=r'$|G(z, 0)|$')
ax.plot(z, Gz.real, '--C0', label='Real part')
ax.plot(z, Gz.imag, ':C0', label='Imaginary part')
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
ax.plot(z, abs(Gz_WKB), '-C1', label=r'$|G_{\rm WKB}(z, 0)|$')
ax.plot(z, Gz_WKB.real, '--C1', alpha=0.5)
ax.plot(z, Gz_WKB.imag, ':C1', alpha=0.5)
ax.set(xlabel="$z$", ylabel="$G(z, 0)$", ylim=ylim);

Once properly normalized, this gives a very good approximation except very close to the injection site which is a classical turning point and the WKB approximation breaks down.

Atom Interferometry#

An application of the atom laser is to image differential potentials (see e.g. .) In this application, we have two streams of particles, which experience slightly different potentials

\[\begin{gather*} V_{a,b}(z) = V_0(z) \pm V(z). \end{gather*}\]

The corresponding actions are (see Examples):

\[\begin{gather*} S_{a,b}(z;z_0; E) = -Et \pm \int_{z_0}^{z} p_{a,b}(z)\d{z}, \\ p_{a,b}(z) = \sqrt{2m(E-V_{a,b}(z))}. \end{gather*}\]

For a falling particle with, we can set \(z_0 = 0\), \(E=0\), and \(V_0(z) = mgz\). An interferometer allows us to recover the relative phase difference, so by differentiating, we can directly extract \(V(z)\):

\[\begin{align*} S_a'(z) - S_b'(z) &= -p_a(z) + p_b(z) \\ &= \sqrt{-2m^2 gz + 2mV(z)} - \sqrt{-2m^2 gz - 2mV(z)}. \end{align*}\]

If \(V(z)\) is small, we can expand:

\[\begin{gather*} V(z) \approx \sqrt{\frac{-gz}{2}}\Bigl(S_a'(z) - S_b'(z)\Bigr) \end{gather*}\]

The experiment is slightly more complicated in that the differential potential is pulsed on for a short period of time:

\[\begin{gather*} V_{a,b}(z, t) = V_0(z) \pm V(z)\mathbf{1}_{[t_1, t_2]}(t). \end{gather*}\]

To deal with this, we define the trajectory \(z(t, z_f)\) for the particle ending up at \(z(t_f, z_f) = z_f\) at imaging time \(t_f\). We can then use the same formalism with the potential, but now with a potential that depends on \(z_f\). Assuming again that \(z_0=0\), \(E=0\), and that the particle is falling, we have

\[\begin{gather*} V_{a, b}(z; z_f) = V_0(z) \pm V(z)\mathbf{1}_{[z(t_1;z_f),z(t_2;z_f)]}(z),\\ S_{a,b}(z_f) = -\int_{z_0}^{z_f} p_{a,b}(z;z_f)\d{z}, \\ \begin{aligned} p_{a, b}(z;z_f) &= \sqrt{-2mV_{a,b}(z;z_f)}\\ &\approx \sqrt{-2m V_0(z)} \pm \frac{mV(z)}{\sqrt{-2mV_0(z)}}\mathbf{1}_{[z(t_1;z_f),z(t_2;z_f)]}(z) \end{aligned} \end{gather*}\]

The derivative is slightly more complicated now because of the addition \(z_f\) dependence in the momentum:

\[\begin{gather*} \pdiff{V_{a,b}(z;z_f)}{z_f} = \pm V(z)[\delta\bigl(z-z(t_2, z_f)\bigr) - \delta\bigl(z-z(t_1;z_f)\bigr)],\\ \begin{aligned} \pdiff{p_{a,b}(z;z_f)}{z_f} &= \sqrt{\frac{-m}{2V_{a,b}(z;z_f)}}\pdiff{V_{a,b}(z;z_f)}{z_f}\\ &= \frac{m}{p_{a,b}(z;z_f)}\pdiff{V_{a,b}(z;z_f)}{z_f}, \end{aligned} \end{gather*}\]

This gives:

\[\begin{gather*} S_{a, b}'(z_f) = -p_{a,b}(z_f;z_f) -\int_{z_0}^{z_f} \pdiff{p_{a,b}(z;z_f)}{z_f}\d{z},\\ = -p_{a,b}(z_f;z_f) \mp\left. \frac{m V(z)}{p_{a,b}(z;z_f)}\right|_{z=z_2=z(t_2;z_f)}^{z=z_1=z(t_1;z_f)}. \end{gather*}\]

In a typical experiment, the differential potential is turned off at the imaging time, so \(p_{a}(z_f;z_f) = p_{b}(z_f;z_f)\), so the first term – which gives the dominant contribution above – vanishes, leaving the following difference in the action:

\[\begin{align*} S_a'(z_f) - S_b'(z_f) &= \left. -m V(z)\left( \frac{1}{p_{b}(z;z_f)} + \frac{1}{p_{a}(z;z_f)} \right) \right|_{z=z_2=z(t_2;z_f)}^{z=z_1=z(t_1;z_f)}\\ &\approx \left. \frac{-2mV(z)}{\sqrt{-2mV_0(z)}} \right|_{z=z_2=z(t_2;z_f)}^{z=z_1=z(t_1;z_f)}. \end{align*}\]
t_1 = 1.0
t_2 = 2.0
t_f = 3.0
g = 1.0
m = 1.0
z_f = -g*t_f**2/2

z_V = -1.0
sigma = 0.1
dV = 1.0

def V(z, t):
    return m*g*z + dV * np.exp(-(z-z_V)**2/2/sigma**2)*np.where(t_1 < t < t_2, 1, 0)

def Vzf(z, z_f):
    # How long the particle takes to get to z
    dt = np.sqrt(-2*z/g)
    # How long the particle takes to get to z_f dtf = (t_f-t_0)
    dtf = np.sqrt(-2*z_f/g)
    t_0 = t_f - dtf
    t = t_0 + dt
    return V(z=z, t=t)

t, z = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, t_f, 200), 
                   np.linspace(z_f, 0, 201), 
                   indexing='ij', sparse=True)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax = axs[0]
ax.pcolormesh(t.ravel(), z.ravel(), V(z, t).T, shading='auto')

ax = axs[1]
zf = z.T
ax.pcolormesh(zf.ravel(), z.ravel(), Vzf(z, zf).T, shading='auto')
ax.set(xlabel="z_f", ylabel="z", aspect=1);

(Old Stuff)#

from ipywidgets import interact
from scipy.special import airy

hbar = 1
m = 0.5
g = 2.0
Omega = 0.1

sigma = 1.0

z = np.linspace(-100, 2, 500)
Ai0, dAi0, Bi0, dBi0 = airy(0)
Aiz, dAiz, Biz, dBiz = airy(z)

def G(x, xx=0):
    Aix, dAix, Bix, dBix = airy(x)
    Ai0, dAi0, Bi0, dBi0 = airy(xx)
    return (
        - np.pi * np.where(x < xx, Ai0 * (Bix + 1j * Aix), Aix * (Bi0 + 1j * Ai0))

@interact(sigma=(0.01, 10.0))
def go(sigma=1.0):
    def psi_b(z):
        return np.exp(-(z/sigma)**2/2)
    zz = np.linspace(-4*sigma, 4*sigma, 200)
    psi_a = Omega*G(z[:, None], zz[None, :]) @ psi_b(zz)
    n_a = abs(psi_a)**2
    n_b = abs(psi_b(z))**2
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(z, n_a, 'C0', label='$n_a(z)$')
    ax.twinx()plot(z, n_b, 'C1', label='$n_b(z)$')
    ax.set(xlabel='$z$', ylabel="$n_a$")
  Cell In[4], line 33
    ax.twinx()plot(z, n_b, 'C1', label='$n_b(z)$')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
def psi_b(z):
    return np.exp(-(z/sigma)**2/2)

zz = np.linspace(-2*sigma, 2*sigma, 100)
psi_a = G(z[:, None], zz[None, :]) @ psi_b(zz[None, :])

plt.plot(z, abs(G(z, 2.0))**2)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 5
      2     return np.exp(-(z/sigma)**2/2)
      4 zz = np.linspace(-2*sigma, 2*sigma, 100)
----> 5 psi_a = G(z[:, None], zz[None, :]) @ psi_b(zz[None, :])
      7 plt.plot(z, abs(G(z, 2.0))**2)

Cell In[2], line 12, in G(x, y)
      9 Aix, dAix, Bix, dBix = airy(x)
     10 Aiy, dAiy, Biy, dBiy = airy(y)
     11 return (
---> 12     - np.pi * np.where(x < y, Aiy * (Bix + 1j * Aix), Aix * (Biy + 1j * Aiy))
     13 )

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (1,1,201) (1,100) 
Gz = G(z)

@interact(ar=(-2,2,0.001), ai=(-2,2,0.001))
def go(ar=-np.sqrt(3)/4/np.pi/Ai0**2, ai=1/4/np.pi/Ai0**2):
    a = ar + ai*1j
    alpha = 1/a/Ai0 + np.pi * (np.sqrt(3) + 1j)*Ai0
    psi = Gz + alpha * Aiz
    n = abs(psi)**2
    n_wkb = 1/m/np.sqrt(-2*g*z)
    n_wkb *= n[0]/n_wkb[0]
    j = (-1j * hbar * np.gradient(psi, z) * psi.conj()).real
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(z, n, label='$n(z)$')
    ax.plot(z, j, ls='--', label='$j(z)=n(z)v(z)$')
    ylim = ax.get_ylim()
    ax.plot(z, n_wkb, ls=':', label='$n_{WKB}(z)$')
    ax.set(xlabel='$z$', ylabel="$n$, $j$", ylim=ylim)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], line 3
      1 Gz = G(z)
----> 3 @interact(ar=(-2,2,0.001), ai=(-2,2,0.001))
      4 def go(ar=-np.sqrt(3)/4/np.pi/Ai0**2, ai=1/4/np.pi/Ai0**2):
      5     a = ar + ai*1j
      6     alpha = 1/a/Ai0 + np.pi * (np.sqrt(3) + 1j)*Ai0

NameError: name 'interact' is not defined