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import mmf_setup;mmf_setup.nbinit()
from pathlib import Path
FIG_DIR = Path(mmf_setup.ROOT) / '../Docs/_build/figures/'
os.makedirs(FIG_DIR, exist_ok=True)
import logging;logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
try: from myst_nb import glue
except: glue = None

This cell adds /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/physics-521-classical-mechanics-i/checkouts/latest/src to your path, and contains some definitions for equations and some CSS for styling the notebook. If things look a bit strange, please try the following:

  • Choose "Trust Notebook" from the "File" menu.
  • Re-execute this cell.
  • Reload the notebook.

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 4
      2 from pathlib import Path
      3 FIG_DIR = Path(mmf_setup.ROOT) / '../Docs/_build/figures/'
----> 4 os.makedirs(FIG_DIR, exist_ok=True)
      5 import logging;logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
      6 get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')

NameError: name 'os' is not defined

The Pendulum#

The ideal simple pendulum – a massless rigid rod of length \(l\) with a point mass \(m\) fixed to move about a pivot – is a familiar and somewhat intuitive physical systems that contains within it a wealth of physics.

Intuitive Questions#

You should be able to justify these intuitive questions using the formal results derived below. Use the formalism to test and check your intuition. For all of these questions, be prepared to explain you answer both quantitatively using the formal results, and intuitively.

  1. How does the oscillation frequency of a pendulum depend on its amplitude?

  2. Your frisbee is stuck in a tall narrow tree. It is fairly precariously balanced, so you are sure you can recover it if you shake the tree hard enough. You give the tree a nudge and notice the natural oscillation frequency. Should you vibrate the tree at a slightly higher frequency or a slightly lower frequency to maximize the chance of recovering your frisbee?

  3. You have a tall vase on your table. If you vibrate the table at the resonant frequency of the vase, it might fall over. Do you need to be concerned about vibrating the table at any other frequency, like twice or half of the resonant frequency?

  4. A pendulum with very little friction sits at equilibrium. You can vibrate the pendulum at a fixed frequency of your choice (with low amplitude), but you cannot change the frequency once you choose it. Can you get the pendulum to complete a full revolution (swing over the top)?

  5. Describe how the amplitude of an oscillating pendulum with low damping changes if you slowly change the length of the pendulum. (E.g., consider a mass oscillating at the end of a long rope as you pull the rope up through a hole.) What about if you have a pendulum of fixed length in an elevator that gradually changes acceleration? (Is this the same problem, or is there a difference?)

  6. Consider balancing a ruler standing on its end. You probably know that you can balance it if you allow your hand to move laterally - i.e. chasing the ruler as it starts to fall. Can you somehow balance the ruler by only moving your hand up and down? (You can clasp the ruler so that you can push it up and pull it down, but your fingers do not have enough strength to apply significant torque to the ruler if you cannot move your hand laterally.)


The complete model we shall consider is

\[\begin{gather*} m\ddot{\theta} = -\frac{mg}{l}\omega^2\sin\theta - 2m\lambda\dot{\theta} + \Gamma \end{gather*}\]

where all quantities might possibly depend on time:

  • \([\theta] = 1\): Angle of the pendulum from equilibrium (hanging down). This is the dynamical variable. When we generalize the problem, or discuss the small amplitude limit, we shall use the general coordinate notation \(q=\theta\).

  • \([m] = M\): Mass of the pendulum bob. As there is only one dynamical mass in this problem, we will remove it below.

  • \([g] = D/T^2\): Acceleration due to gravity, also known as the gravitational field.

  • \([l] = D\): Length of the pendulum.

  • \([\lambda] = 1/T\): Damping, either due to friction at high speed, wind resistance, or dragging an object through a viscous fluid. Note: this is not standard \(F_f = \mu F_N\) friction (which makes another interesting problem).

  • \([\Gamma] = M/T^2\): Driving torque (\(F = l\Gamma\) if the force is directed perpendicular to the pendulum rod).

Canceling the common factor of mass and write this as:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} + 2\lambda\dot{\theta} + \omega^2_0(t)\sin\theta = f(t), \qquad \omega^2_0 = \frac{g}{l}, \qquad f = \frac{\Gamma}{m}. \end{gather*}\]
  • \([\omega_0] = 1/T\): Only the combination \(g/l\) has physical significance for this system if the driving force is appropriately defined. This is sometimes called the natural resonant frequency of the system. It is the angular frequency in the small amplitude limit with no damping: i.e. the harmonic oscillator. Allowing the frequency to change with time \(\omega_0(t)\) allows us to study adiabatic invariants (slow variations), parametric resonance (small oscillations over a range of frequencies), and Kapitz’s pendulum (rapid small oscillations).

  • \([f] = 1/T^2\): Driving force/torque expressed as an acceleration, torque per unit mass, or force per unit mass and unit length.

With these re-definitions, everything is specified in terms of time/frequency. One might further define \(\omega_0=1\) or similar rendering the problem dimensionless, but we will not do so here as it obscures some of the physics.

Many more details will be discussed in Worked Example: The Pendulum, but provide here a set of problems for you to work through to test your understanding of mechanics. I have tried to express these simply so that you can try to attack them without knowing specific techniques like the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. My hope is that, after trying these and making mistakes, you will appreciate better the power of some of the more formal techniques of classical mechanics.

Harmonic Oscillator#

Here we consider small amplitude oscillations \(\theta \ll 1\), keeping only the first term in

\[\begin{gather*} \sin\theta = \theta - \frac{\theta^3}{3!} + O(\theta^5). \end{gather*}\]

Damped Harmonic Oscillator#

Make sure you understand how to solve general homogeneous linear ODEs like this one.

Driven Damped Harmonic Oscillator#

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w0 = 1.0
w = np.linspace(0, 2*w0, 500)
lams = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
for lam in lams:
    chi = 1/(w0**2 - w**2 + 2j*w*lam)
    l, = ax.semilogy(w/w0, abs(chi*w0**2)**2, label=f"$\lambda={lam:.2g}\omega_0$")
    if lam > 0:
        w_max = np.sqrt(w0**2 - 2*lam**2)
        chi2_max = 1/(4*lam**2*(w0**2-lam**2))
        ax.plot([w_max/w0], [chi2_max*w0**4], 'o', c=l.get_c())

lams = np.linspace(0, w0, 100)[1:-1]
w_max = np.sqrt(w0**2 - 2*lams**2)
chi2_max = 1/(4*lams**2*(w0**2-lams**2))
ax.plot(w_max/w0, chi2_max*w0**4, 'k:')
       ylim=(0, 40))

if glue: glue("fig:LinearResponse", fig);
fig.savefig(FIG_DIR / "LinearResponse.svg")
<>:8: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
<>:8: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
<>:8: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
<>:8: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
/tmp/ipykernel_5554/1627739606.py:8: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
  l, = ax.semilogy(w/w0, abs(chi*w0**2)**2, label=f"$\lambda={lam:.2g}\omega_0$")
/tmp/ipykernel_5554/1627739606.py:8: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
  l, = ax.semilogy(w/w0, abs(chi*w0**2)**2, label=f"$\lambda={lam:.2g}\omega_0$")
/tmp/ipykernel_5554/1627739606.py:8: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\l'
  l, = ax.semilogy(w/w0, abs(chi*w0**2)**2, label=f"$\lambda={lam:.2g}\omega_0$")
/tmp/ipykernel_5554/1627739606.py:8: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
  l, = ax.semilogy(w/w0, abs(chi*w0**2)**2, label=f"$\lambda={lam:.2g}\omega_0$")
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 2
      1 w0 = 1.0
----> 2 w = np.linspace(0, 2*w0, 500)
      3 lams = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
      5 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))

NameError: name 'np' is not defined

Parametric Resonance#

Another way of driving a system is to vary a parameter, for example,

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{q} + 2\lambda \dot{q} + \omega^2(t)q = 0, \qquad \omega(t+T) = \omega(t), \qquad \omega_0 = \frac{2\pi}{T}. \end{gather*}\]

The key feature of a parametric resonance is that they required a perturbation to get started. If we start from the equilibrium position \(q = 0\), then – even with the drive – we stay there. Some other features of parametric resonances:

  1. Unlike with driven systems where there is only one resonant frequency \(\omega_0\), parametric resonances occur at a set of frequencies:

    \[\begin{gather*} \omega_n = 2\frac{\omega_0}{n}. \end{gather*}\]
  2. Parametric resonances tend to be very narrow, especially for large \(n\).

  3. They also quite sensitive to damping, and require a finite-size amplitude \(\epsilon > \epsilon_n\) in the presence of damping.

Anharmonic Oscillator#

En-route to a pendulum, consider adding an anharmonic perturbation:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{q} + 2\lambda \dot{q} + \omega_0^2(q + \epsilon q^3) = 0. \end{gather*}\]

Full Pendulum#

We finally consider the full pendulum:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{q} + 2\lambda\dot{q} + \omega^2(t)q = f(t). \end{gather*}\]

Kapitza’s Pendulum#

What happens if we consider a parametric oscillator (\(f(t)=0\)) driven at a high frequency?

\[\begin{gather*} \omega^2(t) \omega_0^2(1 + \epsilon \sin \omega t), \qquad \omega \gg \omega_0. \end{gather*}\]

This problem was considered by Pyotr Kaptitza, who showed that one can use such a mechanism to stabilize the motion about unstable points.