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Worked Example: The Pendulum#

Here we will develop a rather complete worked example: the motion of a pendulum. You should try to work along with this, both analytically, and checking your results numerically. I highly recommend that you try to anticipate what I am going to do by scanning through the figures, equations, etc., and try to solve the problem yourself before reading the details. To this end, I have “hidden” most of the work in expandable sections.


We start with an overview demonstrating some interesting properties of this system. I find a good way of trying to understand a system like this is to try to understand and then reproduce these figures, diving into the details when I get stuck.

We will consider the following general model for a rigid pendulum. We will describe the motion of the pendulum with the angle \(\theta(t)\) from equilibrium:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} + 2\lambda \dot{\theta} + \omega_0^2 \sin\theta = f(t). \end{gather*}\]

We will consider various generalizations, such as expanding \(\sin\theta\) (harmonic and anharmonic terms), and consider a time-dependent frequency \(\omega_0(t)\) (parametric resonance).

If we consider constant \(\omega_0\) without any driving term \(f(t)=0\), then we have an autonomous second-order equation, and we can plot the following phase diagram. (For details, see Hamiltonian Mechanics.)

Phase space flow for a pendulum with damping.

Fig. 2 Phase-space evolution of a damped pendulum. Several closed regions are shown, evolved for time \(1.3T_0\) where \(T_0 = 2\pi/\omega_0\) is the natural period of the oscillator. Due to the damping, this evolution is not Hamiltonian and Liouville’s theorem does not hold – the areas of the regions get smaller. Properly scaled, however, Hamiltonian dynamics can be restored. See Hamiltonian Mechanics for details.#

Another interesting property is the linear response of the pendulum to small perturbations:


Fig. 3 Linear response of a damped harmonic oscillator for various amounts of damping. The dotted line shows \(\abs{\chi_\max}^2\) vs \(\omega_{\max}\).#

I recommend you try to make this figure two ways:

  1. Directly calculate the response function \(\chi\) analytically. (This is how I generated this plot.)

  2. Setup an “experiment” where you simulate a driven pendulum and then “measure” the amplification.

The response function has a very interesting property when one includes non-linear terms.


We start by considering how to describe potential solutions to the motion of an ideal pendulum of length \(l\) from the fulcrum with a point mass \(m\) bob. A natural description is in terms of the angle \(\theta(t)\) from the equilibrium position. Since \(\theta(t) = \tan^{-1}\tfrac{x}{-z}\) is a non-linear function of the Cartesian coordinates of the mass, the Lagrangian framework provides a natural approach for expressing the equations of motion with \(L=T-V\) where \(T=mv^2/2\) is the kinetic energy and \(V=mgz\) is the potential (we take \(g>0\) here with gravity pointing down):

\[\begin{gather*} L(\theta, \dot{\theta}) = \frac{ml^2\dot{\theta}^2}{2} + mgl(\cos\theta - 1)\\ p_\theta = L_{,\dot{\theta}} = ml^2\dot{\theta},\qquad \dot{p}_\theta = L_{,\theta} = -mgl\sin\theta\\ \ddot{\theta} = -\frac{g}{l}\sin\theta. \end{gather*}\]

From these equations we recover the well-known result that the motion depends only on the ratio \(g/l\) which has dimensions of \(1/T^2\) and hence must be related to the square of the frequency \(\nu = \omega / 2\pi\). (Note: we subtract \(1\) from the potential so that \(\cos\theta - 1 \sim \theta^2/2 + O(\theta^4)\). This makes the energy of the ground state \(\theta = 0\) zero.)

To simplify further discussions, we shall introduce the resonant frequency \(\omega_0\) so that our equation of motion becomes:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} = - \omega_0^2\sin \theta, \qquad \omega_0 = \sqrt{\frac{g}{l}}. \end{gather*}\]


In the following we shall consider the following generalizations of the pendulum problem:

  • Harmonic Oscillator (HO): By restricting our attention to small angles \(\abs{\theta}\ll 1\) we recover the well-known harmonic oscillator.

    \[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} = -\omega_0^2\theta. \end{gather*}\]

    This problem is key across physics because: 1) it is completely solvable, and 2) it describes the motion of almost all physical systems close to stationary or equilibrium solutions. I.e. almost any potential looks quadratic near a local minimum (or maximum) \(x_0\):

    \[\begin{gather*} V(x) \approx V(x_0) + \frac{(x-x_0)^2}{2}V''(x_0) + O(x-x_0)^3. \end{gather*}\]

    The full generalization of this is the theory of normal modes.

  • Perturbation Theory: Since the HO is exactly solvable in both classical and quantum mechanics, it forms the starting point for perturbative analyses. We can try to use perturbative techniques to look at the behaviour of an ideal pendulum:

    \[\begin{gather*} V(\theta) = mgl(1-\cos\theta) = \frac{mgl}{2}\Biggl(\theta^2 - \underbrace{\frac{1}{12}}_{\epsilon}\theta^4 + O(\theta^6)\Biggr) \end{gather*}\]

    treating \(\epsilon = 1/12\) as a small parameter. (How well do you think such a perturbative treatment will work? Do you expect convergence keeping only the \(\theta^4\) term?)

    A naïve approach to this will converge very poorly, but a technique called canonical perturbation theory can work well, providing a strong motivation for understanding Hamilton-Jacobi theory, cannonical transformations, and action-angle variables.

  • Resonance: One can easily add both damping \(\lambda\) and driving \(f(t)\) to the equations of motion for the harmonic oscillator:

    \[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} = -\omega_0^2\theta - 2\lambda \dot{\theta} + f(t). \end{gather*}\]

    This is the canonical second-order linear inhomogeneous differential equation which is easily solvable and describes the phenomena of a driven resonance. It is a starting point for a discussion of Fourier analysis (consider \(f(t) = A\sin(\omega_0 t)\)), linear response theory, and Green’s functions (consider \(f(t) = A\delta(t)\)). These systems exhibit resonant behaviour when driven near the single resonant frequency \(\omega_0\).

  • Parametric Resonance: This is a different type of resonance that occurs when we modulate parameters, e.g. \(\omega_0(t)\). (Physically, one could change the length of the pendulum \(l(t)\), or perform the experiment in an elevator, which would modulate \(g(t)\).):

    \[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta}(t) = -\omega_0^2(t)\theta(t) - 2\lambda \dot{\theta}(t). \end{gather*}\]

    The structure of parametric resonances is very different than that of driven resonances. For example, there are many resonances \(\omega_n \approx 2\omega_0/n\) as opposed to the single resonance near \(\omega_0\) for driven systems.

    • Adiabatic Invariance: If we change \(\omega_0(t)\) very slowly, then certain qualitative aspects of the behaviour of the system can be understood in terms of what are called adiabatic invariances. For example, one can understand the amplitude of the oscillation in terms of the length. This is related to an interesting area of physics known as geometric phases.

    • Floquet Analysis/Kaptiza’s Pendulum: In the other limit, if \(\omega_0(t)\) is rapidly oscillating, we can use techniques related to Floquet analysis to separate out the slow and fast degrees of freedom. By appropriately averaging one obtains an effective theory for the pendulum that stabilize the unstable equilibrium point \(\theta \approx \pi\). This is known as {ref}{{sec:KapitzaPendulum}.

The motion of a pendulum is familiar, and admits straight-forward numerical and analytic solutions, making it a great problem for careful study.

Numerical Solution#

We start with a simple numerical solution as an initial-value problem. We write the problem in the following form:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} = -\omega^2(t)\sin\theta - 2\lambda\dot{\theta} + f(t), \\ f(t) = f \cos\omega_d t, \qquad \omega^2(t) = \omega_0^2(1 + h\cos\omega_p t). \end{gather*}\]

In the code, we spell these: \(\lambda=\)damping, \(\omega_0=\)w0, \(\omega_d=\)w_d, \(\omega_p=\)w_p, \(\theta_0=\)theta0, \(\dot{\theta}_0=\)dtheta0, \(\omega(t)=\)w_t(t), \(f(t)=\)f_t(t).

SciPy’s scipy.integrate.solve_ivp() requires a first-order differential equation, so we use the method of order reduction to solve for the two-component vector \(\vect{y}\):

\[\begin{gather*} \vect{y} = \begin{pmatrix} \theta\\ \dot{\theta} \end{pmatrix}, \qquad \dot{\vect{y}} = \begin{pmatrix} \dot{\theta}\\ -\omega^2(t)\sin\theta - 2\lambda\dot{\theta} + f(t). \end{pmatrix} \end{gather*}\]
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

class Pendulum:
    w0 = 1.0       # Natural resonant angular frequency [w0] = 1/T
    damping = 0.1  # Damping rate [damping] = 1/T 
    w_d = 1.2      # Driving frequency [w_d] = 1/T
    w_p = 2/3      # Parametric driving frequency [w_d] = 1/T
    f = 0.1        # Driving amplitude [f] = 1/T^2
    h = 0.12       # Parameteric driving amplitude [h] = 1
    theta0 = 0     # Initial position
    dtheta0 = 1.0  # Initial velocity
    def __init__(self, **kw):
        for key in kw:
            if not hasattr(self, key):
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown {key=}")
            setattr(self, key, kw[key])
    def w_t(self, t):
        """Return the natural frequency at time `t`."""
        return self.w0*np.sqrt(1 + self.h*np.cos(self.w_p*t))

    def f_t(self, t):
        """Return the driving force at time `t`."""
        return self.f * np.cos(self.w_d*t)
    def V_w2(self, theta, d=0):
        """Return the specific potential `V(theta)/m/l/w0**2` and its derivatives."""
        if d == 0:
            return 1 - np.cos(theta)
        elif d == 1:
            return np.sin(theta)
            raise NotImplementedError(f"{d=}")

    def compute_dy_dt(self, t, y):
        """Return dy_dt."""
        theta, dtheta = y
        w_t = self.w_t(t)
        f_t = self.f_t(t)
        V_w2 = self.V_w2(theta, d=1)
        ddtheta = (-w_t**2*V_w2 - 2*self.damping * dtheta + f_t)
        return (dtheta, ddtheta)
    def solve(self, T, method="BDF", **kw):
        """Return the solution `(t, theta, dtheta)`."""
        y0 = (self.theta0, self.dtheta0)
        sol = solve_ivp(
            self.compute_dy_dt, y0=y0, t_span=(0, T), method=method, **kw)
        t = sol.t
        theta, dtheta = sol.y
        return (t, theta, dtheta)
    def solve_and_plot(self, T_T0=10, ax=None, label=""):
        """Solve and plot.  Return `ax`.
        T_T0 : float
            Number of natural periods to plot.
        T0 = 2*np.pi / self.w0     # Natural period
        t, theta, dtheta = self.solve(T=T_T0*T0)
        if ax is None:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        w0 = self.w0
        ax.plot(w0*t/2/np.pi, theta, label=label)
              title=", ".join([
                  fr"$f/\omega_0^2={self.f/w0**2:.2g}\cos({self.w_d/w0:.2g}\omega_0 t)$",
        return ax

p = Pendulum()
ax = p.solve_and_plot(T_T0=10)  # 10 natural periods

(Note, we have taken care to plot dimensionless quantities. One should check that the plot does not change if we change the numerical values appropriately.)

Here are some examples. Note: It takes quite a bit of playing around to come up with good parameters to demonstrate these features. Generating such plots from scratch is a good way to make sure you understand the physics.


ax = None
w0 = 1.0
for w_d_w0 in [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]:
    p = Pendulum(f=0.2, h=0, w_d=w_d_w0*w0)
    label = f"$\omega_d={p.w_d/p.w0:.2f}\omega_0$"
    ax = p.solve_and_plot(T_T0=10, ax=ax, label=label)
ax.set(title="Driven resonance");
<>:5: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
<>:5: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
<>:5: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
<>:5: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
/tmp/ipykernel_5404/225692151.py:5: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
  label = f"$\omega_d={p.w_d/p.w0:.2f}\omega_0$"
/tmp/ipykernel_5404/225692151.py:5: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
  label = f"$\omega_d={p.w_d/p.w0:.2f}\omega_0$"

Here we drive at three difference frequencies. After a transient period of about 5 periods, the oscillations settle down with \(\omega = \omega_d\) having maximum amplitude.

Parametric Resonance#

ax = None
w0 = 1.0
h = 0.5
lam = 0.003

for n in [1, 2, 3]:
    w_p = 2*w0/n
    dw_p = 0
    if n == 1:
        dw_p = h**2*w0/32
    if n == 2:
        dw_p = h**2*w0/24
    if n == 3:
        dw_p = h**2*w0/20  # Emperical...
    w_p = w_p - dw_p
    p = Pendulum(f=0, h=h, dtheta0=0.01, damping=lam, w0=w0, w_p=w_p)
    label = f"$\omega_p/\omega_0=2/{n}-{dw_p:.2f}$"
    ax = p.solve_and_plot(T_T0=100, ax=ax, label=label)
ax.set(title="Parametric resonance");
<>:17: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
<>:17: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
/tmp/ipykernel_5404/3696966182.py:17: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\o'
  label = f"$\omega_p/\omega_0=2/{n}-{dw_p:.2f}$"

Parametric Resonance#

Please review §27 of [Landau and Lifshitz, 1976] for a complete derivation and details. To better understand the results in [Landau and Lifshitz, 1976] (I found this section quite difficult to read initially), consider [Arnol'd, 1989] §25, starting with the Hill’s equation (Eq.(27.2) in [Landau and Lifshitz, 1976]):

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} = -\omega^2(t)\theta, \qquad \omega(t + T) = \omega(t). \end{gather*}\]

Express this as a first-order system:

\[\begin{gather*} \dot{\vect{y}} = \vect{f}(t, \vect{y}), \qquad \vect{f}(t+T, \vect{y}) = \vect{f}(t, \vect{y}), \qquad \vect{y} \in \mathbb{R}^{2}. \end{gather*}\]

Now define the “propagator” \(\op{U}_{t}: \mathbb{R}^2\mapsto\mathbb{R}^2\) which maps an initial state \(\vect{y}\) at time \(t=0\) to the state \(\vect{y}(t)\) satisfying the equations. Arnol’d asks you to show that if \(\vect{f}\) has period \(T\), then the operators \(\op{U}_{nT}\) form a group

\[\begin{gather*} \op{U}_{nT} = (\op{U}_{T})^n. \end{gather*}\]

Call \(\op{A} = \op{U}_T\), the “mapping at a period” \(T\). Arnol’d proves the following properties:

  1. The point \(\vect{y}_0\) is a fixedpoint of mapping \(\op{A}\) iff the solution with initial condition \(\vect{y}(0) = \vect{y}_0\) is periodic with period \(T\).

  2. The periodic solution \(\vect{y}(t)\) is Lyapunov stable (asymptotically stable) iff the fixed point \(\vect{y}_0\) of \(\op{A}\) is similarly stable.

  3. If \(\vect{f}(t, \vect{x}) = f(t)\vect{y}\) is a linear function of \(\vect{y}\), then \(\op{A}\) is linear.

  4. If the system is Hamiltonian, then \(\op{A}\) preserves volume: \(\det \op{A} = 1\).

He then defines the following:

The trivial solution of a Hamiltonian linear system is strong stable if it is stable, and if the trivial solution of every sufficiently close linear Hamiltonian system is also stable.

and proves the corollary

If \(\abs{\Tr \op{A}} < 2\), then the trivial solution is strongly stable.

For the parametric oscillator, strong stability implies that small perturbations to the equilibrium state will not grow. Thus, we are looking for regions that are not strongly stable to find the parametric resonances.

The manipulations in [Landau and Lifshitz, 1976] amount to finding the eigenvalues \(\mu_1\) and \(\mu_2\) of \(\op{A}\), with condition (27.5) being \(\mu_1\mu_2 = \det{\op{A}} = 1\). The case of real \(\mu_1 = \mu_2^*\) which implies that \(\abs{\mu_1} = \abs{\mu_2} = 1\) corresponds to Arnol’d’s condition \(\abs{\Tr\op{A}} \leq 2\): i.e. no parametric resonance. The other case of real \(\mu_{i}\) means \(\mu_2 = 1/\mu_1\), hence \(\abs{\Tr\op{A}} = \abs{\mu_1 + 1/\mu_1} \geq 2\) implies a parametric resonances everywhere except \(\mu_1=1\):

mu = np.linspace(0.1, 2)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(mu, mu + 1/mu)
ax.set(xlabel="$\mu_1$", ylabel=r"$\mu_1 + 1/\mu_1$", ylim=(2, 5));
<>:4: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
<>:4: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
/tmp/ipykernel_5404/1111085400.py:4: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m'
  ax.set(xlabel="$\mu_1$", ylabel=r"$\mu_1 + 1/\mu_1$", ylim=(2, 5));

The method of solution is to solve the following equation for small \(h\):

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} = -\omega_0^2(1 + h\cos\omega_p t)\theta - 2\lambda \dot{\theta}. \end{gather*}\]

We start by setting \(\omega_p=1\) to set our time scale:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} + 2\lambda \dot{\theta} + \omega^2(1 + h\cos t)\theta = 0. \end{gather*}\]

Now we look for steady state periodic solutions where \(\theta(t+T) = \theta(T)\) with \(T=2\pi\):

\[\begin{gather*} \theta = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\Bigl(a_n\cos(nt) + b_n\sin(nt)\Bigr),\\ \dot{\theta} = -\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}n\Bigl(a_n\sin(nt) - b_n\cos(nt)\Bigr),\\ \ddot{\theta} = -\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}n^2\Bigl(a_n\cos(nt) + b_n\sin(nt)\Bigr),\\ \cos(t)\theta = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\Biggl( a_n\Bigl(\cos(n-1)t+\cos(n+1)t\Bigr) + b_n\Bigl(\sin(n-1)t + \sin(n+1)t\Bigr) \Biggr). \end{gather*}\]

Collecting terms \(\cos(nt)\) and \(\sin(nt)\), which all must vanish, we get the following system of equations:

\[\begin{gather*} -n^2a_n + 2\lambda n b_n + \omega^2 \Bigl(a_n + \frac{h}{2} (a_{n+1} + a_{n-1}\Bigr) = 0,\\ -n^2b_n - 2\lambda n a_n + \omega^2 \Bigl(b_n + \frac{h}{2} (b_{n+1} + b_{n-1}\Bigr) = 0. \end{gather*}\]

If we set \(h=0\), the equations decouple pairwise and we get

\[\begin{gather*} \begin{pmatrix} \omega^2 - n^2 & 2\lambda n\\ -2\lambda n & \omega^2 - n^2 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a_n\\ b_n \end{pmatrix} = 0, \qquad \omega = \sqrt{n(n \pm \I 2\lambda)} \end{gather*}\]
\[\begin{gather*} \frac{h}{2} \begin{pmatrix} a_{2}\\ b_{2} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 1 - \omega^2 & -2\lambda\\ 2\lambda & 1 - \omega^2\\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a_{1}\\ b_{1} \end{pmatrix},\\ \frac{h}{2} \begin{pmatrix} a_{3}\\ b_{3} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 2^2 - \omega^2 & -4\lambda\\ 4\lambda & 2^2 - \omega^2\\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a_{2}\\ b_{2} \end{pmatrix} - \frac{h}{2} \begin{pmatrix} a_{1}\\ b_{1} \end{pmatrix},\\ \frac{h}{2} \begin{pmatrix} a_{4}\\ b_{4} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 3^2 - \omega^2 & -6\lambda\\ 6\lambda & 3^2 - \omega^2\\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} a_{3}\\ b_{3} \end{pmatrix} - \frac{h}{2} \begin{pmatrix} a_{2}\\ b_{2} \end{pmatrix} \end{gather*}\]

Noting that

. In the limit \(\lambda = h = 0\), the solutions are \(\theta(t) = A\cos(n t)\), so the equation is periodic iff

\[\begin{gather*} 2\omega_0 = n - \epsilon \end{gather*}\]
def get_A(dx=1e-8, tol=1e-12, **kw):
    p1 = Pendulum(f=0, theta0=dx, dtheta0=0, **kw)
    p2 = Pendulum(f=0, theta0=0, dtheta0=dx, **kw)
    w_p = p1.w_p
    T = 2*np.pi / w_p
    t1, theta1, dtheta1 = p1.solve(T=T, atol=tol, rtol=tol)
    t2, theta2, dtheta2 = p2.solve(T=T, atol=tol, rtol=tol)
    A = np.array([[theta1[-1], theta2[-1]],
                 [dtheta1[-1], dtheta2[-1]]])/dx
    return A

w0 = 1.0
h = 0.2
lam = 0.003

for n in [1, 2, 3]:
    w_p = 2*w0/n
    dw_p = 0
    if n == 1:
        dw_p = h**2*w0/32
    elif n == 2:
        dw_p = 2*h**2*w0/24
    elif n == 3:
        dw_p = 2*h**2*w0/24
    kw = dict(h=0.2, damping=lam, w_p=w_p-dw_p)
    A = get_A(**kw)
    print(np.trace(A), np.linalg.det(A))
-2.00565802958844 0.9812764869614705
1.9640626523123623 0.9634082061452887
-1.943946771358771 0.9451167646406411
lam = 0.003
w_p = 1
w0s = np.linspace(0.25, 2.25, 100)
#w0s = np.linspace(0.4, 0.6, 50)
#w0s = np.linspace(0.9, 1.1, 50)
#w0s = np.linspace(1.4, 1.6, 50)
hs = np.linspace(0, 0.8, 50)
def stable(w0, h):
    return abs(np.trace(get_A(w_p=w_p, w0=w0, h=h, damping=lam))) < 2

res = stable(w0s[:, None], hs[None, :])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.pcolormesh(w0s, hs, res.T, shading='nearest')
ax.set(xlabel=r"$\omega_0/\omega_p$", ylabel="$h$");

Harmonic Oscillator#

We start with the complete solution for a Harmonic Oscillator: i.e. the limit of a pendulum for small amplitude motion:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} + 2\lambda \dot{\theta} + \omega_0^2 \theta = 0, \qquad \theta(0) = \theta_0, \qquad \dot{\theta}_0 = \dot{\theta}_0. \end{gather*}\]

This is a homogeneous second-order differential equation. Substituting \(\theta = ae^{\I\omega t}\), we find the characteristic polynomial

\[\begin{gather*} -\omega^2 + 2\lambda \I \omega + \omega_0^2 = 0, \qquad \omega = \lambda \I \pm \underbrace{\sqrt{\omega_0^2 - \lambda^2}}_{\bar{\omega}},\\ \theta(t) = e^{-\lambda t}\Bigl(a\cos\bar{\omega} t + b \sin\bar{\omega} t\Bigr) \end{gather*}\]

Solving for the initial conditions, we have

\[\begin{gather*} \theta_0 = a, \qquad \dot{\theta}_0 = -\lambda a + b\omega,\\ a = \theta_0, \qquad b = \frac{\dot{\theta}_0 + \lambda \theta_0}{\bar{\omega}},\\ \theta(t) = e^{-\lambda t}\Bigl(\theta_0\cos\bar{\omega} t + \frac{\dot{\theta}_0 + \lambda \theta_0}{\bar{\omega}} \sin\bar{\omega} t\Bigr). \end{gather*}\]

From this solution, we can compute the solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, which is the classical action \(S(q, P, t)\)

\[\begin{gather*} \end{gather*}\]

Naïve Perturbation Theory#

We start by considering the parametric resonance problem:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} = - \omega^2(1 + h \cos \omega_p t)\theta, \qquad \theta(0) = 0, \qquad \dot{\theta}(0) = \dot{\theta}_0, \end{gather*}\]

where \(h\) is small. A naïve attempt to apply perturbation theory might be to express

\[\begin{gather*} \theta(t) = q_0(t) + hq_1(t) + h^2 q_2(t) + \cdots. \end{gather*}\]

Plugging this in, we find:

\[\begin{align*} \ddot{q}_0 + \omega^2 q_0 &= 0\\ \ddot{q}_1 + \omega^2 q_1 &= -\omega^2q_0\cos\omega_p t\\ &\vdots\\ \ddot{q}_{n} + \omega^2 q_{n} &= -\omega^2q_{n-1}\cos\omega_p t. \end{align*}\]

There is still the question of the initial conditions, but supposed we take \(q_0(0) = 0\), \(\dot{q}_0(0) = \dot{\theta}_0\), then \(q_{n>0}(0) = \dot{q}_{n>0}(0) = 0\) and we can solve:

\[\begin{align*} q_0(t) &= \frac{\dot{\theta}_0}{\omega_0}\sin\omega t,\\ \ddot{q}_1 + \omega^2 q_1 &= \omega\dot{\theta}_0\cos(\omega_p t)\sin(\omega t) = \omega\dot{\theta}_0\frac{\sin(\omega-\omega_p)t + \sin(\omega+\omega_p)t}{2} \end{align*}\]

We could solve these equations analytically, but it is a mess. Instead, we will numerically integrate the set of them along with the full solution for comparison, packing and indexing them as

\[\begin{gather*} \vect{y} = \begin{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \theta\\ \dot{\theta} \end{pmatrix}\\ \begin{pmatrix} q_0\\ \dot{q}_0 \end{pmatrix}\\ \begin{pmatrix} q_1\\ \dot{q}_1 \end{pmatrix}\\ \vdots\\ \begin{pmatrix} q_{N}\\ \dot{q}_{N} \end{pmatrix} \end{pmatrix}, \qquad \texttt{y[2::2]} = \begin{pmatrix} q_0\\ q_1\\ \vdots\\ q_{N} \end{pmatrix}, \qquad \texttt{y[3::2]} = \begin{pmatrix} \dot{q}_0\\ \dot{q}_1\\ \vdots\\ \dot{q}_{N} \end{pmatrix} \end{gather*}\]
N = 30   # Include 30 terms
theta0 = 0.0
dtheta0 = 0.1
w = 1.0
w_p = 2.1
h = 0.07

y0 = [theta0, dtheta0, theta0, dtheta0] + [0]*(2*N)

def compute_dy_dt(t, y):
    y = np.asarray(y)
    dy = np.zeros_like(y)

    # Just shift over for dtheta_dt and dq/dt 
    dy[0::2] = y[1::2]
    # Full equation for ddtheta
    dy[1] = -w**2*(1+h*np.cos(w_p*t))*y[0]
    q = y[2::2]
    ddq = dy[3::2]
    ddq[0] = -w**2*q[0]
    ddq[1:] = -w**2*(q[1:] + q[0:-1]*np.cos(w_p*t))
    return dy

Np = 200  # Number of periods 
T = 2*np.pi / w * Np
res = solve_ivp(compute_dy_dt, y0=y0, t_span=(0, T), method="BDF")
t = res.t
theta, dtheta = res.y[:2]
q = res.y[2::2]
dq = res.y[3::2]

ax.plot(t, theta)
ax.set(xlabel="$t$", ylabel="$\theta(t)$");
n = np.arange(N+1)
approx = np.cumsum((h**n)[:, None]*q, axis=0)
errs = abs(approx-theta)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10,5), sharey=True)
ax = axs[0]
for Np in [20, 40, 60, 80, 100]:
    inds = np.where(t<=2*np.pi / w * Np)[0]
    ax.semilogy(n, errs[:, inds].max(axis=1), 
ax.set(xlabel="$N$ (terms)", ylabel="Max err");

ax = axs[1]
for N in [10, 20, 30]:
    ax.semilogy(t, errs[N], label=fr"${N=}$ terms")

It seems like we have convergence in \(h\), but we see a common problem with naïve perturbation theory that the error increases with longer time – in this case, almost exponentially. Often, the crux of the problem is that the frequency of the full solution (\(\omega_p\)) and the frequency of the perturbations (\(\omega\)) are mismatched. This leads to the “beating” seen in the error plot.

Another example worked out in [Fetter and Walecka, 2006] is the anharmonic oscillator. Try it now.

Hide code cell content
try: from myst_nb import glue
except: glue = None

a = 1.0
w0 = 1.0
lam = 0.0
w = np.sqrt(w0**2-lam**2)
eps = 0.6/a**2/w0**2

def f(t, y):
    x, dx = y
    ddx = -w0**2*x - 2*lam*dx - eps*w0**2*x**3
    return dx, ddx

y0 = (a, 0.0)
T = 2*np.pi / w0
res = solve_ivp(f, y0=y0, t_span=(0, 3*T), max_step=T/20)
t = res.t
x, dx = res.y
x0 = a*np.cos(w0*t)
x1 = w0**2*a**3/32*(np.cos(3*w0*t) - np.cos(w0*t) - 12*w0*t*np.sin(w0*t))
x1_cpt = w0**2*a**3/w**4/np.exp(4*lam*t)*np.sin(w*t)*(w*np.cos(w*t)+lam*np.sin(w*t))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4))
ax.plot(t/T, x/a, label="Exact answer (numerical)")
ax.plot(t/T, x0/a, ':', label="Unperturbed (0th order)")
ax.plot(t/T, (x0 + eps*x1)/a, '--', label="Naive perturbation (1st order)")
ax.plot(t/T, (x0 + eps*x1_cpt)/a, '-.', label="Canonical perturbation (1st order)")
       title=fr"$\epsilon = {eps*a**2:.2g}/x^2(0)$")
if glue: glue("fig:naivePT", fig);
../_images/0350c29a4f3cccb335752fa69a3a2f3554964b1e043dee44cb011cdaa5240c71.png ../_images/0350c29a4f3cccb335752fa69a3a2f3554964b1e043dee44cb011cdaa5240c71.png

Driven Anisotropic Oscillator#

As another example, we consider driving the damped anharmonic harmonic oscillator.

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{q} + 2\lambda \dot{q} + \omega_0^2 q + \epsilon q^3 = f\cos \omega t. \end{gather*}\]

Without the perturbation, we know the exact solution from linear response theory. Specifically, after transients have died down, we have

\[\begin{gather*} q_0(t) = \Re(f\chi_\omega e^{\I\omega t}) = f\abs{\chi_\omega}\cos(\omega t + \delta_\omega),\\ \chi_\omega = \frac{1}{\omega_0^2 - \omega^2 + 2\I \lambda \omega}, \qquad \tan\delta_\omega = \frac{2\lambda \omega}{\omega^2 - \omega_0^2}. %= f\frac{(\omega_0^2 - \omega^2)\cos\omega t + 2\lambda \omega \sin\omega t} % {(\omega_0^2 - \omega^2)^2 + 4\lambda^2 \omega^2} \end{gather*}\]

Naïve perturbation theory looks for a solution of the form

\[\begin{gather*} q(t) = q_0(t) + \epsilon q_1(t) + \epsilon^2 q_2(t) + \cdots. \end{gather*}\]

Inserting this into the original equation and keeping terms of order \(\epsilon\) gives:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{q}_1 + 2\lambda \dot{q}_1 + \omega_0^2 q_1 = -q_0^3 = f^3\abs{\chi_\omega}^3\cos^3(\omega t + \delta_\omega)\\ = f^3\abs{\chi_\omega}^3\frac{ \cos(3\omega t + 3\delta_\omega) + 3\cos(\omega t + \delta_\omega)}{4}. \end{gather*}\]

I.e. \(q_1(t)\) is the response of the system to a driving term \(-q_0^3(t)\). This will have components of various frequencies \(\omega\), \(2\omega\), and \(3\omega\). Again, after a long time, we will have

\[\begin{gather*} q_1(t) = -f^3\abs{\chi_\omega}^3\frac{ \abs{\chi_{3\omega}}\cos(3\omega t + 3\delta_\omega + \delta_{3\omega}) + 3\abs{\chi_{\omega}}\cos(\omega t + 2\delta_\omega)}{4} \end{gather*}\]
Hide code cell source
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

class AnisotropicResonance:
    w0 = 1.0       # Natural resonant angular frequency [w0] = 1/T
    damping = 0.1  # Damping rate [damping] = 1/T 
    w_d = 1.2      # Driving frequency [w_d] = 1/T
    f = 0.1        # Driving amplitude [f] = 1/T^2
    epsilon = 0.1  # Anisotropy
    theta0 = 0     # Initial position
    dtheta0 = 1.0  # Initial velocity
    def __init__(self, **kw):
        for key in kw:
            if not hasattr(self, key):
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown {key=}")
            setattr(self, key, kw[key])
        self.T0 = 2*np.pi / self.w_d
    def get_chi(self, w):
        return 1/(-w**2 + self.w0 + 2j*self.damping*w)
    def w_t(self, t):
        """Return the natural frequency at time `t`."""
        return self.w0

    def f_t(self, t):
        """Return the driving force at time `t`."""
        return self.f * np.cos(self.w_d*t)
    def V_w2(self, theta, d=0):
        """Return the specific potential `V(theta)/m/l/w0**2` and its derivatives."""
        if d == 0:
            return theta**2 / 2 + self.epsilon * theta**4 / 4 / self.w0**2
        elif d == 1:
            return theta + self.epsilon * theta**3 / self.w0**2
            raise NotImplementedError(f"{d=}")

    def compute_dy_dt(self, t, y):
        """Return dy_dt."""
        theta, dtheta = y
        w_t = self.w_t(t)
        f_t = self.f_t(t)
        V_w2 = self.V_w2(theta, d=1)
        ddtheta = (-w_t**2*V_w2 - 2*self.damping * dtheta + f_t)
        return (dtheta, ddtheta)
    def solve(self, T, method="BDF", **kw):
        """Return the solution `(t, theta, dtheta)`."""
        y0 = (self.theta0, self.dtheta0)
        sol = solve_ivp(
            self.compute_dy_dt, y0=y0, t_span=(0, T), method=method, **kw)
        t = sol.t
        theta, dtheta = sol.y
        return (t, theta, dtheta)
    def solve_and_plot(self, T_T0=10, ax=None, label=""):
        """Solve and plot.  Return `ax`.
        T_T0 : float
            Number of natural periods to plot.
        T0 = self.T0
        t, theta, dtheta = self.solve(T=T_T0*T0)
        if ax is None:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        w0 = self.w0
        ax.plot(t/T0, theta, label=label)
              title=", ".join([
                  fr"$\omega/\omega_0 = {self.w_d/self.w0:.2g}$",
        return ax
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 2))
for epsilon in [0, 0.02, 0.04]:
    p = AnisotropicResonance(epsilon=epsilon, f=1)
    t, q, dq = p.solve(10*p.T0)
    w, f = p.w_d, p.f
    chi1, chi3 = p.get_chi(w), p.get_chi(3*w)
    c1, d1 = abs(chi1), np.angle(chi1), 
    c3, d3 = abs(chi3), np.angle(chi3)
    q0 = f*c1*np.cos(w*t + d1)
    q1 = -(f*c1)**3 * (c3 * np.cos(3*w*t + 3*d1 + d3) 
                       + 3*c1 * np.cos(w*t + 2*d1))/4
    l, = ax.plot(t/p.T0, q/f, '-', label=fr"$\epsilon={epsilon}$")
    ax.plot(t/p.T0, q0/f, ':', c=l.get_c(), 
            label="$q_0$" if epsilon == 0 else "")
    ax.plot(t/p.T0, q0/f + epsilon * q1, '--', c=l.get_c(), 
            label="$q_0+\epsilon q_1$" if epsilon == 0 else "")
ax.set(xlim=(6, 10), ylim=[0, 4],
       xlabel="$t$ [$2\pi/\omega$]", ylabel="$q/f$")
ax.legend(loc='lower left');
<>:96: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\e'
<>:98: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\p'
<>:96: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\e'
<>:98: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\p'
/tmp/ipykernel_5404/3573920539.py:96: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\e'
  label="$q_0+\epsilon q_1$" if epsilon == 0 else "")
/tmp/ipykernel_5404/3573920539.py:98: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\p'
  xlabel="$t$ [$2\pi/\omega$]", ylabel="$q/f$")

This fares a little better than the previous case since we are not driving on resonance, and are restricting our analysis to functions with the appropriate period. We see from the plot, we see that this form of perturbation does improve the results for very small \(\epsilon\), but that once the amplitude of the oscillations gets large enough, the approximation becomes quite poor.

Canonical Perturbation Theory#

We now try organizing the calculation as described in Canonical Perturbation Theory. As we noted there, we will find that applying this to the stationary coordinates \((\vect{q}_0, \vect{p}_0)\) give rise to time-increasing secular terms.

Example: Parametric Resonance#

Let’s apply this to study parametric resonance with \(\theta=q\), \(h=\epsilon\) from before:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{q} + 2\lambda \dot{q} + \omega^2(t)q = 0, \qquad \omega^2(t) = \omega_0^2(1+\epsilon \cos\omega_pt). \end{gather*}\]

This follows from the Hamiltonian

\[\begin{gather*} H(q, p, t) = e^{-2\lambda t}\frac{p^2}{2} + e^{2\lambda t}\frac{\omega^2(t)q^2}{2}. \end{gather*}\]

Thus, we have the following perturbative problem:

\[\begin{gather*} H = H_0 + \epsilon H_1, \qquad H_0 = e^{-2\lambda t}\frac{p^2}{2} + e^{2\lambda t}\frac{\omega_0^2q^2}{2}, \qquad H_1 = e^{2\lambda t}\frac{\omega_0^2\cos\omega_p t}{2}q^2. \end{gather*}\]

We must now solve the unperturbed problem:

\[\begin{gather*} H_0 = e^{-2\lambda t}\frac{p^2}{2} + e^{2\lambda t}\frac{\omega_0^2q^2}{2},\\ \dot{q} = \pdiff{H_0}{p} = e^{-2\lambda t}p, \qquad \dot{p} = -\pdiff{H_0}{q} = -e^{2\lambda t}\omega_0^2q,\\ L_0(q, \dot{q}, t) = p\dot{q} - H_0 = e^{-2\lambda t}p^2 - H_0 = e^{-2\lambda t}\frac{p^2}{2} - e^{2\lambda t}\frac{\omega_0^2q^2}{2}\\ = e^{2\lambda t}\left( \frac{\dot{q}^2}{2} - \frac{\omega_0^2q^2}{2}\right),\qquad S_0 = \int_0^{t}L_0\d{t}. \end{gather*}\]

The general solution \(q(t) = \sum_{\pm}a_{\pm}e^{\I\omega_{\pm}t}\) to the unperturbed problem can be expressed in terms of the complex frequencies \(\omega_{\pm}\) which satisfy

\[\begin{gather*} -\omega_{\pm}^2 + 2\I\lambda \omega_{\pm} + \omega_0^2 = 0, \qquad \omega_{\pm} = \I\lambda \pm \underbrace{\sqrt{\omega_0^2 -\lambda^2}}_{\bar{\omega}}. \end{gather*}\]

Thus, the general solution is:

\[\begin{gather*} q(t) = e^{-\lambda t}(a\cos\bar{\omega}t + b\sin\bar{\omega}t),\\ \dot{q}(t) = e^{-\lambda t}\Bigl( (-a\bar{\omega} - b\lambda)\sin\bar{\omega}t + (b\bar{\omega}-\lambda a)\cos\bar{\omega}t) \Bigr),\\ L_0 = \frac{1}{2}\Bigl( (-a\bar{\omega} - b\lambda)\sin\bar{\omega}t + (b\bar{\omega}-\lambda a)\cos\bar{\omega}t) \Bigr)^2 - \frac{\omega_0^2}{2}(a\cos\bar{\omega}t + b\sin\bar{\omega}t)^2. \end{gather*}\]

Recall that the generating function \(F_2(q, P, t) = S_0(q, P, t)\) of the canonical transformation satisfies the Hamilton-Jacobi equation

\[\begin{gather*} K_0 = H_0(q, p) + \pdiff{S_0}{t} = H_0\left(q, \pdiff{S_0}{q}\right) + \pdiff{S_0}{t} = 0, \end{gather*}\]

which can be expressed in terms of the classical action integrated along these solutions with an appropriately chosen constant of the motion \(P\):

\[\begin{gather*} S_0(q, P, t) = \int_{t_0}^{t_1}L_0(q, \dot{q}, t)\d{t}. \end{gather*}\]

A reasonable choice with \(t_0=0\), \(t_1=t\), and constant is \(P=q(0)\) with \(q=q(t)\):

\[\begin{gather*} P = a, \qquad q = e^{-\lambda t}(a\cos\bar{\omega}t + b\sin\bar{\omega}t),\\ a = P, \qquad b = e^{\lambda t}q - P\cot\bar{\omega}t. \end{gather*}\]

Note: we must include the time-dependence in the coefficient \(b(t)\) here to enforce the appropriate boundary conditions. For any given solution it is constant.

Computing this all is rather tedious, and better left for a computer. When the dust settles, we have the generating function:

\[\begin{gather*} S_0(q, P, t) = \bar{\omega}\frac{P^{2} + q^{2} e^{2 \lambda t}} {2 \tan{\bar{\omega} t}} - \frac{P \bar{\omega} q e^{\lambda t}}{\sin\bar{\omega}t} + \lambda\frac{P^{2} - q^{2} e^{2 \lambda t}}{2},\\ P = q(0) = q e^{\lambda t} \cos\bar{\omega}t - (\lambda q e^{\lambda t} + p e^{- \lambda t}) \frac{\sin\bar{\omega}t}{\bar{\omega}} = a = q(0),\\ Q = - \dot{q}(0) = -pe^{-\lambda t} \cos\bar{\omega}t - \left( \omega_0^{2} q e^{\lambda t} + \lambda p e^{-\lambda t} \right)\frac{\sin\bar{\omega}t}{\bar{\omega}} = \lambda a - \bar{\omega}b,\\ q = \frac{e^{- \lambda t}}{\bar{\omega}} \Bigl( P(\bar{\omega} \cos\bar{\omega}t + \lambda\sin\bar{\omega}t) - Q \sin\bar{\omega} t \Bigr),\\ p = \frac{-e^{\lambda t}}{\bar{\omega}} \Bigl( Q(\bar{\omega} \cos\bar{\omega}t - \lambda\sin\bar{\omega} t) + P\omega_0^2\sin\bar{\omega}t \Bigr) \end{gather*}\]
Hide code cell content
from IPython.display import Latex
import sympy
from sympy import sqrt, exp, sin, cos, I, Eq, S

def disp(*v, **kw):
    """Simple display function."""
    for var, expr in v + tuple(kw.items()):
a, b, P, Q, p, q = sympy.var(r'a,b,P,Q,p,q', real=True)
lam, w_, w0, t = sympy.var(r'\lambda,\bar{\omega},\omega_0,t', positive=True)
s, c = sin(w_*t), cos(w_*t)
w0 = sqrt(w_**2+lam**2)
q_t = exp(-lam*t)*(a*c + b*s)

# Check equation of motion
assert (q_t.diff(t, t) + 2*lam*q_t.diff(t) + w0**2*q_t).simplify() == 0

# Compute L0
H0 = exp(-2*lam*t)*p**2/2 + exp(2*lam*t)*w0**2*q**2/2
dq = sympy.var(r'\dot{q}')
p_ = sympy.solve(H0.diff(p) - dq, p)[0]
L0 = (p_*dq - H0).subs([(p, p_)]).simplify()

# Now use solution
dq_t = q_t.diff(t)
p_t = p_.subs([(dq, dq_t)])
L0 = L0.subs([(q, q_t), (dq, dq_t)]).expand().simplify()
#L0 = (exp(2*lam*t)*(dq_t**2 - w0**2*q_t**2)/2).expand().simplify()
disp(L_0=L0.collect([sin(2*w_*t), cos(2*w_*t)]))

# Compute S0
S0 = L0.integrate((t, 0, t)).collect([sin(2*w_*t), cos(2*w_*t)]).simplify()

# Find a and b in terms of P and q
ab_subs = sympy.solve([q_t.limit(t, 0) - P, q_t - q], [a, b])
S0 = S0.subs(ab_subs).simplify()

# Check that this works!
PQ_subs = sympy.solve([S0.diff(q) - p, S0.diff(P) - Q], [P, Q])
pq_subs = sympy.solve([S0.diff(q) - p, S0.diff(P) - Q], [p, q])
P_, Q_ = PQ_subs[P].simplify(), PQ_subs[Q].simplify()
p_, q_ = pq_subs[p].simplify(), pq_subs[q].simplify()
disp(P=P_, Q=Q_)
disp(p=p_.collect([P, Q]).simplify(), 
     q=q_.collect([P, Q]).simplify())
disp(P=P_.subs([(q, q_t), (p, p_t)]).simplify(), 
     Q=Q_.subs([(q, q_t), (p, p_t)]).simplify())
K0 = (H0 + S0.diff(t)).subs(PQ_subs).simplify()
assert K0 == 0
\[L_0=\frac{\left(\dot{q}^{2} - q^{2} \left(\bar{\omega}^{2} + \lambda^{2}\right)\right) e^{2 \lambda t}}{2}\]
\[L_0=\frac{\bar{\omega} \left(\left(- \bar{\omega} a^{2} + \bar{\omega} b^{2} - 2 \lambda a b\right) \cos{\left(2 \bar{\omega} t \right)} + \left(- 2 \bar{\omega} a b + \lambda a^{2} - \lambda b^{2}\right) \sin{\left(2 \bar{\omega} t \right)}\right)}{2}\]
\[S_0=- \frac{\bar{\omega} a b}{2} + \frac{\lambda a^{2}}{4} - \frac{\lambda b^{2}}{4} - \frac{\left(\bar{\omega} \left(a^{2} - b^{2}\right) + 2 \lambda a b\right) \sin{\left(2 \bar{\omega} t \right)}}{4} + \frac{\left(2 \bar{\omega} a b - \lambda a^{2} + \lambda b^{2}\right) \cos{\left(2 \bar{\omega} t \right)}}{4}\]
\[S_0=\frac{P^{2} \bar{\omega}}{2 \tan{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}} + \frac{P^{2} \lambda}{2} - \frac{P \bar{\omega} q e^{\lambda t}}{\sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}} + \frac{\bar{\omega} q^{2} e^{2 \lambda t}}{2 \tan{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}} - \frac{\lambda q^{2} e^{2 \lambda t}}{2}\]
\[P=q e^{\lambda t} \cos{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} - \frac{\lambda q e^{\lambda t} \sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}}{\bar{\omega}} - \frac{p e^{- \lambda t} \sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}}{\bar{\omega}}\]
\[Q=- \frac{\left(\bar{\omega}^{2} q e^{2 \lambda t} \sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} + \bar{\omega} p \cos{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} + \lambda^{2} q e^{2 \lambda t} \sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} + \lambda p \sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}\right) e^{- \lambda t}}{\bar{\omega}}\]
\[p=\frac{\left(- P \left(\bar{\omega}^{2} + \lambda^{2}\right) \sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} - Q \left(\bar{\omega} \cos{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} - \lambda \sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}\right)\right) e^{\lambda t}}{\bar{\omega}}\]
\[q=\frac{\left(P \left(\bar{\omega} \cos{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} + \lambda \sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}\right) - Q \sin{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}\right) e^{- \lambda t}}{\bar{\omega}}\]
\[Q=- \bar{\omega} b + \lambda a\]

We can now express the perturbation in terms of the Hamiltonian \(H_1\):

\[\begin{gather*} H_1(Q, P, t) = \bigl( P\bar{\omega}\cos\bar{\omega}t + (P\lambda - Q)\sin\bar{\omega}t \bigr)^{2} \frac{\omega_0^2}{2\bar{\omega}^2} \cos\omega_{p}t. \end{gather*}\]

The derivatives required for canonical perturbation theory is thus

\[\begin{gather*} \epsilon \begin{pmatrix} \partial{H_1}/\partial{P}\\ -\partial{H_1}/\partial{Q} \end{pmatrix} = \epsilon \bigl(P\bar{\omega}\cos\bar{\omega}t + (P\lambda - Q)\sin\bar{\omega}t\bigr) \begin{pmatrix} \bar{\omega}\cos\bar{\omega}t + \lambda\sin\bar{\omega}t\\ \sin\bar{\omega}t \end{pmatrix} \frac{\omega_0^2}{\bar{\omega}^2} \cos\omega_{p}t. \end{gather*}\]

Example: Anharmonic Oscillator 1#

Let us revisit the anharmonic oscillator starting with \(q(0) = q_0\) and \(\dot{q}(0) = 0\):

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{q} + \omega_0^2(q + \epsilon q^3) = 0,\qquad H_1(q, p, t) = \omega_0^2\frac{q^4}{4}. \end{gather*}\]

Canonical Transformation: Hamilton-Jacobi#

The canonical transformation solving the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation is

\[\begin{gather*} q = \frac{(\alpha P - Q\sin\bar{\omega}t)}{\bar{\omega}},\qquad p = \frac{-(\alpha Q + P\omega_0^2\sin\bar{\omega}t)}{\bar{\omega}},\\ \alpha = \bar{\omega}\cos\bar{\omega} t. \end{gather*}\]

We use the same approach for the anharmonic oscillator starting with \(q(0) = q_0\) and \(\dot{q}(0) = 0\):

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{q} + 2\lambda \dot{q} + \omega_0^2(q + \epsilon q^3) = 0,\qquad H_1(q, p, t) = \omega_0^2\frac{q^4}{4}. \end{gather*}\]

The perturbation and canonical series is:

\[\begin{gather*} H_1(Q, P, t) = \frac{\omega_0^2}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}} \frac{(\alpha P - Q \sin\bar{\omega}t)^4}{4},\qquad X = \frac{\omega_0^2}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}} (\alpha P - Q \sin\bar{\omega}t)^3,\\ \begin{pmatrix} \partial H_1/\partial P\\ -\partial H_1/\partial Q\\ \end{pmatrix} = X \begin{pmatrix} \alpha\\ \sin\bar{\omega}t \end{pmatrix}. \end{gather*}\]

Plugging in our zero’th order solution \(P_0 = q(0) = q_0\), \(Q_0 = -\dot{q}(0) = 0\), we have the first order correction

\[\begin{align*} X_0 &= \frac{\omega_0^2q_0^3}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}}\alpha^3,\\ \dot{Q}_1 &= \alpha X_0 = \frac{\omega_0^2q_0^3}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}} (\bar{\omega}\cos\omega t - \lambda \sin\bar{\omega}t)^4,\\ \dot{P}_1 &= X_0\sin\bar{\omega}t = \frac{\omega_0^2q_0^3}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}} (\bar{\omega}\cos\omega t - \lambda \sin\bar{\omega}t)^3 \sin\bar{\omega}t. \end{align*}\]

In the limit of no damping \(\lambda \rightarrow 0\) we have

\[\begin{align*} \alpha &= \omega_0\cos\omega_0 t\\ \dot{Q}_1 &= \omega_0^2q_0^3\cos^4\omega_0 t,\\ \dot{P}_1 &= \frac{\omega_0^2q_0^3}{\omega_0} \cos^3\omega t\sin\omega_0t,\\ Q_1 &= \omega_0^2q_0^3\frac{12\omega_0 t + 8 \sin 2\omega_0 t + \sin 4\omega_0 t} {32\omega_0},\\ \omega_0 P_1 &= \omega_0^2q_0^3 \frac{1-\cos^4 \omega_0 t}{4\omega_0}. \end{align*}\]

Converting back to our original coordinat, we have

\[\begin{align*} q &= q_0 + \epsilon \frac{\omega_0 P_1\cos\omega_0 t - Q_1 \sin\omega_0t}{\omega_0}\\ &= q_0 + \epsilon q_0^3 \frac{\cos 3\omega_0 t - \cos \omega_0 t - 12 \omega_0 t \sin \omega_0 t}{32}. %,\\ %p &= p_0 - \epsilon q_0^3 % \frac{3\omega_0 \sin 3\omega_0 t + 11 \omega_0 \sin \omega_0 t % + 12 \omega_0^2 t \cos \omega_0 t}{32}. \end{align*}\]

Notice that this still has the same problem of a linearly growing term as our naïve approach above. The canonical approach using the Hamilton-Jacobi solution organizes the series, but does not help resolve the issue with secular terms.

Canonical Transformation: Action-Angle#

Next we consider the canonical transformation to action-angle coordinates \((\phi, I)\)

\[\begin{gather*} q = \sqrt{\frac{2I}{m\omega}} \cos \phi, \qquad p = -\sqrt{2m\omega I}\sin\phi,\\ \phi(q, I) = \cos^{-1}\left(\sqrt{\frac{m\omega}{2I}}q\right), \qquad \phi_{,q} = \sqrt{\frac{m\omega}{2I}}\frac{-1}{\sin\phi}, \qquad \phi_{,I} = \frac{\cos\phi}{2I\sin\phi}\\ S_0(q, I) = I\int_{0}^{\phi}\sin^2\phi \;\d{\phi} = I\Bigl(\phi(q,I) - \tfrac{1}{2}\sin 2\phi(q,I)\Bigr). \end{gather*}\]

The perturbation and canonical series is

\[\begin{gather*} H_1(\phi, I) = \frac{\omega_0^2I^2}{m^2\omega^2}\cos^4\phi,\\ \end{gather*}\]

Example: Anharmonic Oscillator#

We use the same approach for the anharmonic oscillator starting with \(q(0) = q_0\) and \(\dot{q}(0) = 0\):

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{q} + 2\lambda \dot{q} + \omega_0^2(q + \epsilon q^3) = 0,\qquad H_1(q, p, t) = \omega_0^2\frac{q^4}{4}. \end{gather*}\]

First we clean up the notation a bit.

The canonical transformation is

\[\begin{gather*} q = \frac{e^{-\lambda t}}{\bar{\omega}}(\alpha P - Q\sin\bar{\omega}t),\qquad p = \frac{-e^{\lambda t}}{\bar{\omega}}(\alpha Q + P\omega_0^2\sin\bar{\omega}t),\\ \alpha = \bar{\omega}\cos\bar{\omega} t - \lambda \sin\bar{\omega}t. \end{gather*}\]

Thus, the perturbation and canonical series is:

\[\begin{gather*} H_1(Q, P, t) = \frac{\omega_0^2}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}} \frac{(\alpha P - Q \sin\bar{\omega}t)^4}{4},\qquad X = \frac{\omega_0^2}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}} (\alpha P - Q \sin\bar{\omega}t)^3,\\ \begin{pmatrix} \partial H_1/\partial P\\ -\partial H_1/\partial Q\\ \end{pmatrix} = X \begin{pmatrix} \alpha\\ \sin\bar{\omega}t \end{pmatrix}. \end{gather*}\]

Plugging in our zero’th order solution \(P_0 = q(0) = q_0\), \(Q_0 = -\dot{q}(0) = 0\), we have the first order correction

\[\begin{align*} X_0 &= \frac{\omega_0^2q_0^3}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}}\alpha^3,\\ \dot{Q}_1 &= \alpha X_0 = \frac{\omega_0^2q_0^3}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}} (\bar{\omega}\cos\omega t - \lambda \sin\bar{\omega}t)^4,\\ \dot{P}_1 &= X_0\sin\bar{\omega}t = \frac{\omega_0^2q_0^3}{\bar{\omega}^4e^{4\lambda t}} (\bar{\omega}\cos\omega t - \lambda \sin\bar{\omega}t)^3 \sin\bar{\omega}t. \end{align*}\]

In the limit of no damping \(\lambda \rightarrow 0\) we have

\[\begin{align*} \alpha &= \omega_0\cos\omega_0 t\\ \dot{Q}_1 &= \omega_0^2q_0^3\cos^4\omega_0 t,\\ \dot{P}_1 &= \frac{\omega_0^2q_0^3}{\omega_0} \cos^3\omega t\sin\omega_0t,\\ Q_1 &= \omega_0^2q_0^3\frac{12\omega_0 t + 8 \sin 2\omega_0 t + \sin 4\omega_0 t} {32\omega_0},\\ \omega_0 P_1 &= \omega_0^2q_0^3 \frac{1-\cos^4 \omega_0 t}{4\omega_0}. \end{align*}\]

Converting back to our original coordinates, we have

\[\begin{align*} q &= q_0 + \epsilon \frac{\omega_0 P_1\cos\omega_0 t - Q_1 \sin\omega_0t}{\omega_0}\\ &= q_0 + \epsilon q_0^3 \frac{\cos 3\omega_0 t - \cos \omega_0 t - 12 \omega_0 t \sin \omega_0 t}{32} ,\\ p &= p_0 + \epsilon (Q_1\cos\omega_0 t + \omega_0 P_1\sin\omega_0t). \end{align*}\]
Hide code cell content
wp = sympy.var(r'\omega_p', positive=True)
H1 = exp(2*lam*t)*w0**2 * cos(wp*t)*q**2/2
disp(('H_{1,P}', H1.subs(pq_subs).diff(P).simplify()),
     ('-H_{1,Q}', H1.subs(pq_subs).diff(Q).simplify()))
\[H_1=\frac{\left(\bar{\omega}^{2} + \lambda^{2}\right) \left(P \bar{\omega} + P \lambda \tan{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} - Q \tan{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}\right)^{2} \cos^{2}{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} \cos{\left(\omega_{p} t \right)}}{2 \bar{\omega}^{2}}\]
\[H_{1,P}=\frac{\left(\bar{\omega} + \lambda \tan{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}\right) \left(\bar{\omega}^{2} + \lambda^{2}\right) \left(P \bar{\omega} + \left(P \lambda - Q\right) \tan{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}\right) \sin^{2}{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} \cos{\left(\omega_{p} t \right)}}{\bar{\omega}^{2} \tan^{2}{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}}\]
\[-H_{1,Q}=- \frac{\left(\bar{\omega}^{2} + \lambda^{2}\right) \left(P \bar{\omega} + \left(P \lambda - Q\right) \tan{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}\right) \sin^{2}{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)} \cos{\left(\omega_{p} t \right)}}{\bar{\omega}^{2} \tan{\left(\bar{\omega} t \right)}}\]

Anharmonic Oscillator Response#

\[\begin{split} V(\theta) = \frac{\omega_0^2}{8\theta_{\min}^2}(\theta^2 - \theta_{\min}^2)^2\\ V'(\theta) = \frac{\omega_0^2}{2\theta_{\min}^2}\theta(\theta^2 - \theta_{\min}^2) = -\alpha \theta + \beta \theta^3. \end{split}\]

In terms of the parameters in Duffing equation:

\[\begin{split} \alpha = \frac{\omega_0^2}{2}, \qquad \beta = \frac{\omega_0^2}{2\theta_{\min}^2},\\ \omega_0 = \sqrt{2\alpha}, \qquad \theta_{\min} = \sqrt{\frac{\alpha}{\beta}}\\ \end{split}\]
x = np.linspace(-1, 1)
alpha, beta, delta, gamma, w = 1, 5, 0.02, 8.0, 0.5
V = -alpha * x**2 / 2 + beta * x**4/4
th_min = np.sqrt(alpha/beta)
plt.plot(x, V)
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f28d0cbca70>
#:tags: [hide-cell]

class AnharmonicOscillator(Pendulum):
    """Anharmonic oscillator."""
    v1 = -0.1
    v3 = 1.0
    theta_min = 0.1  # Minimum of double well.
    w_d0 = 8.0
    w_d1 = 10.0
    T = 1000.0
    theta0 = 0.1
    dtheta0 = 0
    def w_d(self, t):
        return self. w_d0 + (self.w_d1 - self.w_d0) * (1-np.cos(2*np.pi * t/self.T))/2
    def f_t(self, t):
        return self.f * np.cos(self.w_d(t)*t)
    def V_w2(self, theta, d=0):
        """Return the specific potential `V(theta)/m/l/w0**2` and its derivatives."""
        if d == 0:
            return (theta**2 - self.theta_min**2)**2/8/self.theta_min**2
        elif d == 1:
            return theta*(theta**2 - self.theta_min**2)/2/self.theta_min**2
            raise NotImplementedError(f"{d=}")
    def solve_and_plot(self, axs=None, label="", window_shape=5):
        """Solve and plot.  Return `axs`."""
        t, theta, dtheta = self.solve(T=self.T)
        if axs is None:
            fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)
        w0 = self.w0
        axs[0].plot(t, theta, label=label)
        from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import sliding_window_view
        theta_view = sliding_window_view(theta, window_shape=window_shape)
        ws = self.w_d(t)
        w_view = sliding_window_view(ws, window_shape=window_shape)
        dtheta = np.max(theta_view, axis=1) - np.min(theta_view, axis=1)
        ws = np.mean(w_view, axis=1)
        axs[1].plot(ws/self.w0, dtheta)
        #ax.plot(w0*t/2/np.pi, theta, label=label)
        #      ylabel=r"$\theta(t)$",
        #      title=", ".join([
        #          fr"$f/\omega_0^2={self.f/w0**2:.2g}\cos({self.w_d/w0:.2g}\omega_0 t)$",
        #          fr"$\omega^2/\omega_0^2=1+{self.h:.2g}\cos({self.w_p/w0:.2g}\omega_0t)$",
        #          fr"$\lambda/\omega_0={self.damping:.2g}$",
        #      ]))
        return axs
    def plot_poincare(self, N, skip=0, Np=100, method="BDF", **kw):
        """Plot Poincaré sections for N periods.
        N : int
            Number of periods to plot.
        Np : int
            Number of points per period.
        skip : int
            Number of periods to skip before plotting.
        assert self.w_d0 == self.w_d1
        w_d = self.w_d0
        T = 2*np.pi / w_d
        y0 = (self.theta0, self.dtheta0)
        t0 = 0
        if skip > 0:
            sol = solve_ivp(
                self.compute_dy_dt, y0=y0, t_span=(t0, T*skip), method=method, **kw)
            y0 = sol.y[:, -1]
            t0 = T*skip
        t_eval = t0 + np.arange(N*Np)*T/Np
        sol = solve_ivp(
            self.compute_dy_dt, y0=y0, 
            t_span=(t0, t0 + N*T), 
            t_eval=t_eval, method=method, **kw)
        t = sol.t
        theta, dtheta = sol.y.reshape((2, Np, N))
        plt.plot(theta.T, dtheta.T, '.', ms=0.11)
        return (t, theta, dtheta)

for theta0 in [0, 0.1, 0.2]:
    # Duffing alpha=1 beta=5 delta=0.02 K=8 omega=0.5
    # alpha = 
    p = AnharmonicOscillator(h=0, f=0.2, damping=0.02, theta_min=0.1, w_d0=2.0, w_d1=2.0, T=20, theta0=theta0)
    #p = AnharmonicOscillator(h=0, f=0.2, damping=0.2, theta_min=0.1, w_d0=2.0, w_d1=2.0, T=20, theta0=theta0)
    t, th, dth = p.plot_poincare(1000, skip=5000, Np=200);

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
for lam in lams:
    chi = 1/(w0**2 - w**2 + 2j*w*lam)
    l, = ax.semilogy(w/w0, abs(chi*w0**2)**2, label=f"$\lambda={lam:.2g}\omega_0$")
    if lam > 0:
        w_max = np.sqrt(w0**2 - 2*lam**2)
        chi2_max = 1/(4*lam**2*(w0**2-lam**2))
        ax.plot([w_max/w0], [chi2_max*w0**4], 'o', c=l.get_c())

lams = np.linspace(0, w0, 100)[1:-1]
w_max = np.sqrt(w0**2 - 2*lams**2)
chi2_max = 1/(4*lams**2*(w0**2-lams**2))
ax.plot(w_max/w0, chi2_max*w0**4, 'k:')
       ylim=(0, 40))

if glue: glue("fig:LinearResponse", fig);
fig.savefig(FIG_DIR / "LinearResponse.svg")