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import mmf_setup;mmf_setup.nbinit()
from pathlib import Path
import os
FIG_DIR = Path(mmf_setup.ROOT) / '../Docs/_build/figures/'
os.makedirs(FIG_DIR, exist_ok=True)
import logging;logging.getLogger('matplotlib').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
try: from myst_nb import glue
except: glue = None

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Kapitza’s Pendulum#

Here we consider the high-frequency limit of parametric oscillations of a pendulum:

\[\begin{gather*} \ddot{\theta} + 2\lambda \dot{\theta} + \omega^2(t)\sin\theta = 0, \qquad \omega^2(t) = \omega_0^2(1 + a \sin \omega t), \qquad \omega \gg \omega_0. \end{gather*}\]

This problem was considered by Pyotr Kaptitza, who showed that one can use such a mechanism to stabilize the motion about unstable points.

Simplified Analysis#

We start with a simplified analysis, getting at the essence of the problem without placing too much attention on rigor. This analysis is based on the following assumptions:

  1. Separation of scales: \(\omega \gg \omega_0\). We decompose the motion into a fast part \(f(\omega t)\) and a slow part \(s(t)\):

    \[\begin{gather*} \theta(t) = s(t) + f(\omega t), \qquad \braket{f}(\omega t) = 0,\qquad \braket{A} = \frac{1}{T}\int_{t}^{t+T}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!A(\tau)\d{\tau}. \end{gather*}\]

    To recover the slow components, we average over one fast period \(T = 2\pi / \omega\). We remove any slow component from \(f(\omega t)\), placing them in \(s(t)\) so that \(\braket{f}(t) = 0\).

  2. Linearization: we assume that the amplitude of the fast part \(\abs{f} \ll 1\) is small. Note: we do not consider the amplitude of the drive \(a\) to be small. The final effects will be \(O(a^2)\), so we must at least keep this to quadratic order.

The idea will be to consider separately the fast motion \(f(\omega t)\) by treating the slow variables as constants, and then the slow motion \(s(t)\) by averaging over fast variables. This will yield an effective potential for the slow motion that permits stabilization.

Expanding the original equation, we have

\[\begin{gather*} 0 = \ddot{s} + \omega^2 f'' + 2\lambda (\dot{s} + \omega f') + \omega_0^2(1+ a \sin \omega t)\underbrace{(\sin s\cos f + \cos s \sin f)}_{\sin(s+f)},\\ \approx \ddot{s} + \omega^2 f'' + 2\lambda (\dot{s} + \omega f') + \omega_0^2(1 + a \sin \omega t)(\sin s + f\cos s) \end{gather*}\]

Fast Motion#

We first consider the fast motion \(f(\phi)\) where \(\phi = \omega t\). For this analysis, we treat \(s(t)\) as constant, absorbing the constant shift \(\omega_0^2 \sin s + 2\lambda \dot{s} + \ddot{s}\) into \(s\) so that \(\braket{f} = 0\) as discussed above. Finally, we assume that \(\abs{\omega} \gg \lambda\) so we can neglect the damping. The resulting equation is

\[\begin{gather*} \omega^2 f''(\phi) \approx - a\omega_0^2 \sin s\sin \phi, \qquad f(\omega t) \approx \frac{a\omega_0^2 \sin s}{\omega^2}\sin \omega t. \end{gather*}\]

Note that \(f\) is periodic, so all averages \(\braket{f} = \braket{f'} = \braket{f''} = 0\).

Slow Motion#

We now averaging the dynamical equation:

\[\begin{gather*} 0 = \ddot{s} + 2\lambda \dot{s} + \underbrace{\omega_0^2\sin s + \omega_0^2a \cos s \overbrace{\braket{f \sin \omega t}}^{\frac{a\omega_0^2}{2\omega^2}\sin s}}_{U_{\text{eff}}'(s)},\\ U'_{\text{eff}}(s) = \omega_0^2\sin s + \frac{a^2\omega_0^4}{4\omega^2} \underbrace{\sin(2s)}_{2\cos s \sin s}. \end{gather*}\]

Thus, the slow degree of freedom experiences damped motion in an effective potential of the form

\[\begin{gather*} U_{\text{eff}}(s) = -\omega_0^2\cos s - \frac{a^2\omega_0^4}{8\omega^2}\cos(2s). \end{gather*}\]

Do It! Demonstrate numerically that this is correct.

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# Here is a numerical check
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

class Kapitza:
    w0 = 1      # Natural frequency
    w = 10.0    # Drive frequency
    a = 20.0    # Drive amplitude
    lam = 0.01  # Damping
    phi = 0.0   # Angle of drive
    corrected = False

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        for key in kw:
            if not hasattr(self, key):
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown {key=}")
            setattr(self, key, kw[key])

    def init(self):
    def pack(self, q, dq, qe, dqe):
        y = np.ravel([q, dq, qe, dqe])
        return y

    def unpack(self, y):
        q, dq, qe, dqe = y
        return q, dq, qe, dqe
    def compute_dy_dt(self, t, y):
        """Return dy_dt."""
        q, dq, qe, dqe = self.unpack(y)
        w0, w, a, phi, lam = map(self.__getattribute__, ['w0', 'w', 'a', 'phi', 'lam'])
        th = w * t
        Fq = - w0**2 * np.sin(q) - a * w0**2 * np.sin(q - phi) * np.sin(th)
        ddq = -2*lam*dq + Fq
        ddqe = -2*lam*dq - self.get_Ueff(qe, d=1)
        return self.pack(dq, ddq, dqe, ddqe)
    def get_Ueff(self, q, c2=None, d=0):
        """Return the dth derivative of Veff(q)"""
        w, w0, a, phi = self.w, self.w0, self.a, self.phi
        c1 = -w0**2
        if c2 is None:
            c2 = - a**2 * w0**4 / 8 / w**2
        q_phi = q - phi
        if self.corrected and d == 1:
            _tmp = (1 - (w0/w)**2*np.cos(q_phi))
            _cor = _tmp/(_tmp**2 + 4*(self.lam/w)**2)
            return - (c1 * np.sin(q) + 2 * c2 * np.sin(2*q_phi) * _cor)
        return (c1 * (1j)**d * np.exp(1j*q) + c2 * (2j)**d * np.exp(2j*(q_phi))).real
    def solve(self, q0=None,  dq0=0.1, periods=6, points=10, **kw):
        """Return a dense solution.
        periods : int
            Number of slow periods to solve.
        points : int
            Number of points per fast cycle.
        if q0 is None:
            q0 = np.pi + self.phi
        y0 = self.pack(q0, dq0, q0, dq0)
        Ts = 2*np.pi / self.w0  # Slow periods
        Tf = 2*np.pi / self.w   # Fast periods
        dt = Tf / points
        T = periods * Ts
        Nf = int(np.ceil(T/Tf)) # Number of fast periods
        t_eval = np.arange(Nf*points + 1)*dt
        kwargs = dict(
            y0=y0, t_span=(0, T), t_eval=t_eval, method="BDF", dense_output=True)
        self.sol = solve_ivp(self.compute_dy_dt, **kwargs)
        assert self.sol.success
        # Compute some useful quantities by averaging over periods
        q, dq, qe, dqe = self.unpack(self.sol.y)
        t_ = self.sol.t[:-1].reshape((Nf, points)).mean(axis=1)
        q_ = q[:-1].reshape((Nf, points)).mean(axis=1)
        self.sol.t_ = t_
        self.sol.q_ = q_
        self.sol.q, self.sol.qe = q, qe
        return self.sol
for (kw, dq0) in [(dict(phi=0.05*np.pi, lam=0.01), 0.4), 
                  (dict(phi=0, lam=0.01), 0.6)]:
    s = Kapitza(**kw)
    sc = Kapitza(corrected=True, **kw)
    sol = s.solve(dq0=dq0)
    solc = sc.solve(dq0=dq0)
    t_unit = 2*np.pi / s.w0
    q_unit = np.pi

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(
        1, 2, 
        figsize=(8*1.2, 2*1.2),
        sharey=True, width_ratios=(1, 0.2), 

    for ax in axs:
        # These are wrong... only approximate
        #[ax.axhline(phi_min/q_unit, lw=1, ls=":", c="grey")
        # for phi_min in [s.phi, np.pi + 2*s.phi]]

    ax = axs[0]
    ax.plot(sol.t/t_unit, sol.q / q_unit, 'C0-', lw=1, label='Exact')
    ax.plot(sol.t_/t_unit, sol.q_ / q_unit, 'C0-', label='Averaged')
    ax.plot(sol.t/t_unit, sol.qe / q_unit, 'C1--', label='Effective')
    ax.plot(solc.t/t_unit, solc.qe / q_unit, 'C1-', label='Corrected')
    ax.set(xlabel=r"$\omega_0 t / 2\pi$", ylabel=r"$\theta / \pi$")

    ax = axs[1]
    q0, q1 = sol.q.min(), sol.q.max()
    dq = 0.1*(q1-q0)
    q0 -= dq
    q1 += dq

    q0 = min([q0, s.phi, 0])
    q1 = max(s.phi + np.pi, q1)
    q = np.linspace(q0, q1)
    ax.plot(s.get_Ueff(q, c2=0), q/q_unit, 'C0-', label=r"$U_{0}$")
    ax.plot(s.get_Ueff(q), q/q_unit, 'C1-', label=r"$U_{\mathrm{eff}}$")
    ax.set(xlim=(-2.1, 1.1), xlabel=r"$U(q)$");
    #ax.legend(loc='lower right', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0));
    ax.legend(loc='upper left');
    title = [
    plt.suptitle(", ".join(title));
../_images/fbfd3661924433e2be5163acf12ef6d76ab629f74dc58b9c5a4b986d53e8ea55.png ../_images/862aaa0b8a48ab069c6c1bed37e19a187487ececc7c3912a04bd171acb54040d.png

We see that our approach does indeed correctly stabilize the inverted pendulum, and that the effective potential is roughly correct, however, there are quantitative disagreement. If you play with these equations, you will find that these disagreements are mostly an issue with larger amplitude excitations.

Do It! Improve the effective potential.

Do It!

Show that driving at a different angle \(\phi\) gives

\[\begin{gather*} U_{\text{eff}}(s) = -\omega_0^2\cos s - \frac{a^2\omega_0^4}{8\omega^2}\cos\bigl(2(s - \phi)\bigr). \end{gather*}\]

as shown in the video. Analyze the stability as a function of \(\phi\).

For a related approach, please see sec:FloquetTheory.

Exact Solution#

We start by considering the