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Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics#


For starters, I would like to point out the book [Sewell, 2002]. This is a very nice modern account of the formal aspects of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. It is mathematical, but uses as little math as needed to make accurate claims.



Consider a quantum system with Hamiltonian \(\op{H}\). We can define “states” of the system \(\rho\) as functions on observables \(\op{A}\) such that the expected outcome is \(\rho(\op{A})\). In the usual quantum mechanical picture for finite systems, one can work with the density matrix \(\op{\rho}\) so that the expectation values is

\[\begin{gather*} \braket{\op{A}}_{\rho} = \Tr[\op{A}\op{\rho}]. \end{gather*}\]


Entropy is a bit of an elusive concept. One concrete way of understanding entropy comes from information theory. Suppose that some experiment has a set of possible outcomes \(\{e_1,e_2,\cdots\}\). If we repeat the experiment \(N\) times, then an outcome can be labelled by the numbers \((n_1,n_2,\cdots)\) where \(n_i\) describes how many times outcome \(e_i\) was obtained.

We assume that the states of the system can be described by a probability measure on the system \(p \equiv (p_1,p_2,\cdots)\) where,

\[\begin{gather*} \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \frac{n_i}{N} = p_i. \end{gather*}\]

Hence \(\sum_i p_i = 1\). If this holds, the set of all states \(\mathcal{P}\) is convex and the extremal points are pure states \(\pi_i\) with exactly one non-zero \(p_i = 1\).

The entropy of a state \(p\) is a measure of the “impurity” of that state:

\[\begin{gather*} S(p) = -\sum_{i} p_i \ln p_i. \end{gather*}\]

Another useful concept is that of relative entropy:

\[\begin{gather*} S_{\text{rel}}(q|p) = \sum_{i}\left(p_i \ln p_i - p_i \ln q_i\right). \end{gather*}\]

We shall see that this measures in some sense the “inaccessibility” of the state \(p\) from the state \(q\).

To show this, consider an experiment repeated \(N\) times on the state \(p\). A given outcome is specified by the \(n_i\). The number of ways that this outcome could be obtained is given by

\[\begin{gather*} \label{eq:Pdef} P = \frac{N!}{n_1!n_2!\cdots} \end{gather*}\]

where we simply count the permutations.

If the system were in a pure state \(\pi_i\) then \(n_i=N\) and all others are zero so that \(P=1\). It is clear that if the system is not in a pure state, \(P>1\) and so \(P\) provides a measure of how “impure” the state is. Now, consider the limit as \(N\rightarrow \infty\). Using Sterling’s approximation \(N! \approx N (\ln N - 1)\),

\[\begin{gather*} \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \frac{\ln P}{N} = S(p). \end{gather*}\]

The interpretation of the relative entropy follows by defining the probability that a given expreiment \(n\) is obtained from a state \(q\):

\[\begin{gather*} P_{q} = \frac{N!}{n_1!n_2!\cdots} q_1^{n_1}q_2^{n_2}\cdots. \end{gather*}\]

Again, taking the limit of large \(N\)

\[\begin{gather*} -\lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \frac{\ln P_q}{N} = S_{\text{rel}}(p|q). \end{gather*}\]

The quantum mechanical versions for finite systems are \begin{subequations}

(2)#\[\begin{align} S(\op{\rho}) &= -\Tr[\op{\rho}\ln \op{\rho}],\\ S_{\text{rel}}(\op{\rho} | \op{\sigma}) &= \Tr[\op{\rho}\ln \op{\rho}-\op{\rho}\ln \op{\sigma}]. \end{align}\]



Statistical mechanics is founded on the idea that one can describe a complicated system with a small number of macroscopic variables which represent measurable quantities. The idea is that there are many microscopic configurations (states) that will yield the same macroscopic measurements and hence will be indistinguishable to the observer. We now make an assumption:\footnote{This assumption is justified by ergodic properties of the time-evolution of the system. In particular, it fails if there are conserved quantities. See Section~\ref{sec:conserved-quantities}.} \begin{assume} \label{assume:ensembles} We assume that all states with a given fixed set of measurable properties are equally likely to occur, and thus should be equally weighted in the ensemble. \end{assume} Using this assumption, one can perform well-defined statistical averaging of quantities over the ensemble. \subsubsection{Micro-canonical} In the context where the energy is fixed, this known as the microcanonical ensemble. One can use the previous arguments where \(N\) is the number of particles in the system to argue that the statistical averages are dominated by the state with maximal entropy (we shall perform this minimization later when we can justify the \(N\rightarrow \infty\) limit):

\[\begin{gather*} S(E) = \max_{\op{\rho} | \rho(\op{H}) = E} S(\op{\rho}). \end{gather*}\]

If this is true, then one can simply work with the state of maximal entropy. However, this approach is typically only useful for gasses. In other cases, one must include more states to approach the appropriate distribution and this makes this approach difficult. \subsubsection{Macro-canonical} There is another reason to disfavour the microcanonical ensemble: It is very difficult in practice to make a perfectly isolated system. Instead it is easier to consider systems in contact with a thermal bath. Emperically, we know that the composition of a thermal bath makes little difference as long as it is large and has a quasi-continuous spectrum. This led Gibbs to suggest that one consider a heat bath as \(N-1\) copies of the system under consideration.

One advantage of this approach is that the limit \(N \rightarrow \infty\) represents the limit of an ideal heat bath which is quite realistic and attainable in practice. In this setup, we imagine distributing a fixed amount of energy \(E\) over the ensemble of \(N\) systems. Again, we maximize the entropy of the collection of systems subject to the constraints of fixed total ensemble energy \(E\). We should also only consider propertly normalized states \(\Tr \op{\rho} = 1\). To do this, we introduce a new function

\[\begin{gather*} f = S - \lambda \Tr \op{\rho} - \beta E = -\Tr\left( \op{\rho} \ln \op{\rho} +\lambda \op{\rho} +\beta \op{\rho} \op{H} \right). \end{gather*}\]

which we maximize with respect to an unconstrained \(\op{\rho}\). Assuming that \(S\) and \(E\) are differentiable functions, this gives us the constraint that

\[\begin{gather*} \op{\rho} = e^{-\lambda-1}e^{-\beta\op{H}}. \end{gather*}\]

The normalization condition simply defines the partition function:

\[\begin{gather*} e^{1+\lambda} = Z = \Tr[e^{-\beta\op{H}}]. \end{gather*}\]

Using this to eliminate \(\lambda\), we have the following state with maximal entropy

\[\begin{gather*} \op{\rho}_{\beta} = \frac{e^{-\beta\op{H}}}{\Tr[e^{-\beta\op{H}}]}. \end{gather*}\]

We can identify the parameter\footnote{We use units such that \(k=1\) here.} \(\beta = 1/T\) in terms of the absolute termperature.

Note that we now have a well-defined state of maximal entropy at fixed temperature. We are justified in using this state for performing statistical averages when considering systems coupled to an ideal heat bath at fixed termperature. This is justified by taking the thermodynamica limit \(N \rightarrow \infty\) where \(N\) describes properties of the heat bath rather than the system. Unlike the micro-canonical ensemble, this allows us to study any type of system, as long as it is in equilibrium with a very large heat bath at constant temperature.

Instead of maximizing the function \(f\), one usually scales this and instead minimizes the function \(F = -f/\beta\) which is known as the Helmholtz free energy. Thus, we arive at the statistical formulation of equilibrium thermodynamics:

One can represent the equilibrium properties of a system coupled to an ideal thermal bath at termperature \(T\) by the normalized state \(\op{\rho}_\beta\) which minimizes the Helmholtz free energy \(F\):

\[\begin{gather*}\label{eq:Fmin} F(T) = \min_{\Tr\op{\rho}=1} \Tr[\op{\rho}\op{H} + T \op{\rho}\ln \op{\rho}]. \end{gather*}\]

In terms of the partition function, we have\footnote{Note that this relationship is easy to remember in this form:

\[\begin{gather*} \label{eq:F} e^{-\beta F} = \Tr[e^{-\beta \op{H}}]. \end{gather*}\]
\[\begin{gather*} F = -T \ln (Z). \end{gather*}\]

Finally, one can view \(\op{\rho}_U(\beta)\) as a function of \(\beta\), in which case, it satisfies the differential equation

\[\begin{gather*} \pdiff{\op{\rho}_U}{\beta} = -\op{H}\op{\rho}_U \end{gather*}\]

with the initial condition

\[\begin{gather*} \op{\rho}_U(0)=\op{0}. \end{gather*}\]

Thermodyanmic Variables#

*This section needs work.

The first law of thermodynamics is that energy is conserved. This can be formulated by saying that there is a differential form for the heat required by a system to change:

\[\begin{gather*} \d{Q} = \d{E} + P\d{V} + \vect{\Theta} \cdot \d{\vect{Q}}. \end{gather*}\]

The second law says that for adiabatic changes of state, this is a form \(T\d{S}\) where \(T=\beta^{-1}\) is the temperature and \(S\) is extensive (the thermodynamic entropy). Combining these, we have

\[\begin{gather*} T\d{S} = \d{E} + P\d{V} + \vect{\Theta} \cdot \d{\vect{Q}}. \end{gather*}\]

Putting \(Q_0=E\), \(\Theta_0=1\), \(\theta_k = \beta \Theta_k\) and \(p = \beta P\) we have

\[\begin{gather*} \label{eq:dS1} \d{S} = p\d{V} +\vect{\theta}\cdot\vect{Q}. \end{gather*}\]

\subsubsection{Conserved Quantities} \label{sec:conserved-quantities} The reason that the energy \(E\) has been singled out in the previous discussion is because it is a conserved quantity of the system (as long as the Hamiltonian is time-independent). If there are conserved quantities such as particle number, volume etc. then the assumption~\ref{assume:ensembles} that all microstates states are equally likely is false. It is only possibly to justify this assumption when one only considers states that have held fixed these quantities.

Suppose one wants to study a box which contains \(N\) particles and has volume \(V\). The Hamiltonian for this system will conserve both \(N\) and \(V\), and so we must only consider states which have a definite volume and particle number. The formalism is the same as before, but now one considers the Helmholtz free energy as a function of these parameters as well: \(F(T,V,N,\cdots)\) and one minimizes over configurations where these quantities are well-defined. This is how standard thermodynamics proceeds.

Generically, these quantities are properties of the system as specified in the Hamiltonian. We shall refer to them as \(Q_i\) where \(Q_0\) is the energy of the system. To each of these we can defined the thermodynamical conjugate \(\theta_i\). These appear as the Lagrange multipliers introduced to enforce the appropriate constraint while maximizing the entropy. Thus, we have seen that \(\theta_0 = \beta\). In this formalism, one finds that \(p = \beta P\)—the reduce pressure—is conjugate to the volume \(V\) etc.

Introducing all appropriate multipliers, we determine the thermodynamic state by maximizing:

\[\begin{gather*} \label{eq:NonExtensivePotential} \max_{\Tr[\op{\rho}]=1} S - p V - \vect{\theta}\cdot \vect{Q}. \end{gather*}\]

This procedure, however, fails for extensive systems as we shall see in the next section.


Consider two copies of a system, both in the same thermodynamic state, but far from each other so that they only exchange heat (as in Gibb’s ensemble). All additive quantities for this combined system such as the entropy, energy, volume, particle numbers etc. have twice the values of a single system. Now consider bringing the two systems into a single container of twice the volume. If, for the resulting system, the additive quantities are all still twice the value of a single system, then the system is said to be extensive.

Extensivity fails, for example, if there are long-range forces: In this case, the energy of the combined system would be less/greater than twice the original system depending on if the forces were repulsive/attractive. One usually makes the assumption of extensivity to ensure that the assumption~\ref{assume:ensembles} holds. It does not hold in general for non-extensive systems.

Extensivity also fails if there are substantial finite-size effects: In this case, one alters the properties of the system by removing the barier between them. Often, however, extensivity can be returned by considering very large systems.

Consider an extensive system: The entropy, volume and all of measurable conserved quantities \(Q_i\) are additive, and thus extensive. The thermodyanmic entropy is thus a homogenous function of its arguments:

\[\begin{gather*} S(\alpha V,\alpha \vect{Q}) = \alpha S(V,\vect{Q}). \end{gather*}\]

This implies that

\[\begin{gather*} S = p V + \vect{\theta}\cdot\vect{Q} \end{gather*}\]

where \(p\) and \(\vect{\theta}\) are intensive quantities (independent of the size of the system).

Now, the thermodynamical law~(\ref{eq:dS1}) can be expressed in terms of the desities \(s = S/V\) and \(\vect{q} = \vect{Q}/V\):

\[\begin{gather*} V(\d{s}-\vect{\theta}\cdot\d{\vect{q}}) + (s-p-\vect{\theta}\cdot\vect{q})\d{V} = 0. \end{gather*}\]

Since all of the volume dependence is explicit, this implies that \begin{subequations}

(3)#\[\begin{align} \d{s}&=\vect{\theta}\cdot\d{\vect{q}},\\ p &= s-\vect{\theta}\cdot\vect{q}. \end{align}\]

\end{subequations} From this we can see that (eq:NonExtensivePotential) is zero for thermodynamics systems. Instead, we use the Legendre transform of the reduced pressure \(p\):

\[\begin{gather*} p(\vect{\theta}) = \max_{\vect{q}} s(\vect{q}) - \vect{\theta}\cdot\vect{q}. \end{gather*}\]

Thermodynamic Potentials#

To carefully define the thermodynamic variables for quantum systems and the resulting thermodynamics is a bit involved due to the requirement of working with systems containing infinitely many degrees of freedom. We refer the reader to [Sewell, 2002] Chapter 6.4 for a more thorough discussion.

We start with the Helmholtz free energy \(F\) defined by~(\ref{eq:Fmin}). This is to be minimized at fixed temperature, volume and particle number. From this, we can Legendre transform to one of several thermodynamic potentials to remove constraints by introducing Lagrange multipliers. One of the most useful is to form the Gibbs free energy:

\[\begin{gather*} \Omega(T,\vect{\mu}) = \min \left(F-\vect{\mu}\cdot\vect{N}\right). \end{gather*}\]

The minimization is over all physical states. As a result, one can prove that \(\Omega\) is a convex function. Here we prove convexity over \(\vect{\mu}\): the extension to include \(T\) can be done similarly by returning to the maximum entropy principle (where \(T\) enters as a Lagrange multiplier). Let \(\Omega(\rho,T,\vect{\mu}) = F-\vect{\mu}\cdot\vect{N}\) be the minimand for an arbitrary state \(\rho\):

\[\begin{align*} x\Omega(T,\vect{\mu}_1) + (1-x) \Omega(T,\vect{\mu}_2) &\leq \min_\rho \left( x[F(\rho)-\vect{\mu}_1\cdot\vect{N}(\rho)] + (1-x)[F(\rho)-\vect{\mu}_2\cdot\vect{N}(\rho)] \right),\\ &=\min_\rho F(\rho)-(x\vect{\mu}_1+(1-x)\vect{\mu}_2)\vect{N}(\rho),\\ &= \Omega(T,x\vect{\mu}_1+(1-x)\vect{\mu}_2). \end{align*}\]

From the convexity of \(\Omega\), we can find a one-to-one mapping between states which minimize \(F\) for fixed particle number and tangents to the surface \(\Omega\). In particular, if defined, the gradient of the tangent is the particle number:

\[\begin{gather*} \vect{N}(T,\vect{\mu}) = -\pdiff{\Omega(T,\vect{\mu})}{\vect{\mu}}. \end{gather*}\]

By a tangent to \(\Omega\), we mean a plane that intersects \(\Omega\) and for which no point of \(\Omega\) lies above the plane. If \(\Omega\) is differentiable, then there is exactly one such plane with the gradient given above: this indicates that the thermodyanmic state is a pure phase with well-defined particle number. If \(\Omega\) is not differentiable, then there are many such planes. In this case, each plane describes a different mixed phase. The mixture is composed of the pure states that intersect at the mixture.

Example: Free Fermi Gas#

The Hamiltonian for a gas of non-interacting fermions is given in second quantized form as

\[\begin{gather*} \op{H} = \int\dbar^{3}{\vect{p}}\;\frac{p^2}{2m} \op{a}^\dagger e_{\vect{p}}\op{a}_{\vect{p}}. \end{gather*}\]

The states have energy \(p^2/(2m)\), and degeneracy \(4\pi p^2\).